ofPredeflinationandReprobation. ked are onely as rods in thehand ofGod,and cannot fcourge us as much and as long as they pleafe,but as much andas long as feem- cth good unto God our heavenly Father, who will not meekly fuller himfelf to be chaflifed by the powerful!hand of fo grati- ous a Father Laffly, ifwe take-in this alto, That thofe very things whichkern hard and íharp to be fuff red do undoubtedly work together for our good, who would take I will not fay impatiently but unwillingly a potionwhich,though bitter,yet is tempered and prepared for him by foWife, fo loving aPhyfician: And thus you fee howman y excellent u- fes do flow from the orthodox dorine of Predeflination. What remainethdull be dif- patched in a word or two. ifwe w ill fliew that we have not a fleetingor uncertain con- jeture onely, but a true and foiid know- ledgeofour l letion,we muff have recourfe to the forenamed ufes, and by themmake triall whether our conceit of our ELleéion be a deceitfull illufion or a true perfwafion fpringing from faith. We are to account it falfe and deceitfull if it prove idle and un- profitable, much more if we find it to be the pernicious mother ofprefumption : But if it hath taught us to, conceive worthily of God, ifit hath enflamed our hearts with the love ofhint, ifit hath kindled in us a zeal of L13 true 535