Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

decree queltioned. fides, Bexa and his company having difputed with the Lu- theranes about the Perfon of Chtift and theLords Supper, when they came to this point, did decline the lifting of ir, and gave this reafon amongothers, That it could not then b Bela in be publickly difputed of b without the great fcandal wind Coll. Mom= hurt of the ignorant, and unacquainted rwith thefe high my- peg. p.373. fierier. e.The Contra- remonftrants alto in their Conference Sine grayi with the oppofite parties at the Hague, in the yeare 16 t r eorum offen= couldnot be drawn to dif ute with them about this oint dicta yfi p P tanti n,yíie- but delivered a petition to the States of Hollandand Wei}.. Iii capaces Friesland that theymight not be urged to it, refolving rather non ant. to break offthe conference then to meddle with it. In the C Brand CoU; Synod likewife at Dort, in the yeares s 618 and 1619, the Hag' pag' 57'. Remonflrants were warned by the Prefident of the Synod d That theyfhould rather difpute ofthepoint of ele(tion then d t4tEa Syn.- the odious point ofReprobation. pars. I. pag: Can this Doarine be a truth, and yet blufh at the light, IEicaione e which tnaketh all things tnanifeft?efpecially confidering theft potihs quàm things : i. That Reprobation is a principali head of Divini.. áeodtofa ty, bythe Well orill ftati.ng andordering of which the glory ñsmareria of Godand thegood of Religion is much promoted or hin agerenr, dered. z That there is fuch a neceflary connexionbetween, the points ofEle Lionand Reprobation (both being parts of Predeftinatioh) that the one cannot well be handled without theother. 3. That the Doârine of Reprobation was the chief caufe of all' the uprores in the Church at that time. 4. That it was accufedwith open mouth and challenged of falfhood, and therefore bound in juftice to purge it Pelf of the crimination, 5. That the Remonftrants didlnot at that s time defire that it fhould be talked of among the common people, who might have ítunabled at it, but difputed of among the judicious and learned, who (as the threshing oxen whichwere tobeat the corn out ofthe husk) are to bolt out thofe truths which are couchedand hidden in the letter ofthe Scriptures. That the Marine which is loth to abide the triall even of learned men, carrieth with it a fhrevvd fufpicion offalfhood, the heathen Oratour fhall witnefle far me : who toEpicurus, Paying that he would not publifh his opinion to the fimple people, who might happily take offenfeat it, anfwereth thus ; e Cicero, dd e Declare thine opinion in the place ofjudgement ; or if thou fin. bon. & mal.l. s . pag: riç. Aut to eadem iífa dic in judicio ; aat fi corotaatn time, dic in feaata, hiungnam facies. Cur Bill 9,4,d turpis eft orario art s