Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

decree cleared. 69 4ugufl. de Civ. lie. 5. cap. io.er Plat. t o. de ltepubl. pag. 617. & Senec. Bpifl. 3 t. 4 1.93. The Remonftrants in a manner acknow- ledge thismiflake, Exam. Cenfur&, pag. 79 . The maintainers of the Abfolute decree hold that nothing is acted in this world good or bad, without an eternali determination or decreeof Gods will for the being offuch a particular as : But they deteft the Mani- chees ; and make this difference betwixt goodanions andbad, That good and holy actions have God not onely a determining caufe for their event, but aneffeauall work- ing caufe in their prodution ; bad actions have God the determining caufe of their event, but the permiflive caufe onely of their malice a. á Vide Fro The mainteiners of the Abfolute decree, fWhite, 'De.. fe whether Supralap,rians or Sublapfrians, zz4en,& i . holdno moreneceffitation to lie upon mens aetions,ends, or upon any events depending upon mans free-will, then themainteiners of the Conditionall decree ofEleaion and ne- gativeReprobation. Both hold the anions, events and ends ofall thingswhether prede- flinated or forefeen to imply bnecefsitatem 6 Vide 4- infallibilitatisaut confiquentis : Neither hold quip. traGentá that they imply necefsitatem coallionis nut confequentix. For example ; To reafon thus, God bath eternally fore(een ludais his impenitencie, andthereupon decreed him unta E 3 eternall