Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

with mans dejirut` hem. 8f talents, had prevented him, he cried out , Car,vulitis me evaf7t, Carnulius bath efcaped my hands. To a prifoner intrearing L irn to put hiûi quickly to death, he gave this anfwer, 21(on. Gutt teams redii Ingratiam, I am not yer friends with thee; accounting is great kindneffe to put him quickly to death whom he might have tortured. Marcy (ii) that were cal- led into queffion, did partly vvound.thenafelves in their own houles, ad vexationer »ignomin:rimnqutevitant m,.co prevent that pain and ignominy which they knew, they flhouid en- dures and partly poyfoned thenarelves in the midit of the court as they were going, to their arraignment for the Cane cater. Seneca fpeakcng of one hlecaenas, whovvas foafraid of being dead that he faid.hewould not refufe weak,aeflè, deformitie, nec acutam crucem,nonor the fhirpeh crucify. ;sag, (w) fe that he might live JliT in the midit of there exeremities,he calleth hisdehre topifitraum,7aotusn,abate and moll ignoble and unnatural' will},, and cenfureth him for email effeminate aud contemptible man ; (x) becaufe in all his evil§ be was afraid.ef that which ivas the enei of all evilr, the privation of his being. And certainly we rnult needs conceive and censure them to be flocks and ftones rather then filth and ()loud, vvho can fo put off alb feelingandfenfe, as eo think a tormented being anbell to be a lighter and leffer evil then no beingat all. II. To the reafon onwhich the Reply is grounded,which is,ltlelius eft ejfe quaarn non efre, It is better to be then to have no being, I anfwer that it is a fophifneor fallacy z non di- f ribratu ad difiributttm. To be in it feffis better thenNot to be: butte is not univenfally true in all particulars. g ain,iris true in form cafes, & exhypothefi, fca'tera fiat paria , if there be any equality in the adjunas. It is fo farre from being limply true, that our Saviour limiteth it , and putteth a cafe wherein it is not true, but the contrary to ie is true;arsd that is the cafe of jadas , of which wehave Paid: fornevvhat before: It had been food, &c. Which words S. Hierorne expounding, faith, (y) It 4 limply andplainly averredby our Saviour that it is better to haveno being then an UI being. Thiswas the judgement too of Job, chap, 3. le. a i., Y 13 why dyed I not, faith he in the birth ? why did the knees prevent me? a7,ad why did1flick the brea.ñsl For nowfhould I have lyen Rill and been quiet: I fbntu?d have fiepe then and been at re(t. In which words he plainly imptyeth, that he thought it farte better tohwhadno birth and being then fucy (w)Sere, EV11. L Fp,/t. 1or. Dummod° znte-r hoes mala fpiritats prorogetur. (r) Quiadi. ftulit idquod eft in maps optimum , [uppliczz ft nem. flnfwer 2. 6) Ffieron: corrìrnent. in JLfatt. c. z6. v. zq.. Sim- pliciter di. et um e1 , Melius et non fubtì(te- re duám ma- lè fubfafte- re.