Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

with Pans deftrutlion. ther coníidered inangelsor men, imply any fuch thing. It is true, that the Elegy are fe- verally created to the end and intent that they may be glorified together with their Head Chrift Jefus : But for the Non-elegy, we cannot truly fay that they are created to the end that they may be tormented with thedevil and his angels. For we may then fay, God maketh fuch a thing for fuch an end, when he giveth the thing a nature and qualities fitted to finch an end. Now no man is createdby God with a nature and quali- ties fitting him to damnation. Nay, take every man as he is created by God,and he is a capable and fitted fubjed for falvation: But, when he was at his bell, fo fitted, that he might runne himfelf intò the pit of per- dition. But neither in the frate of his Inno- cency nor in the Bate of the fall and his corruption Both he receive any thing from God which is a proper & fir means tobring him to his damnation:And therefore damna- tion is not the end of any mans creation. We fray with Pro fper,fVniverfos homines Rear edc p !P 3e non ignoramus Deo figillatim creari; & de h c univerftate alios damnandas calm diabolo, 41105 regnaturos effe cum Chriflo. ß:ìd erg etiam hi ereantur qui £ternx vite participes nonBrunt, nulla ell culpa Creatoris ; qui nature NetOr efi , non vitii quorl natura contraxit. And again , Ornnium gtlidem lominumDe- yinc.oe;c1 ref!). 3, US'