" . .• .
TO TH·E RIG·JIT wo ·R.SHIP~ ·.F 'VL L sIR A ·NTH 0 N'Yc 0 p :a . ( .Knight; gracc;m~rcie an(l P~l~C ... : Jiom Iefiis qhrin. : · : .:·, ;.- 4 •• ")'- ., 'J" f ,. ,. ~ ' r .,the.Lo:rd. th~ ·fe~~cher of al .bat~tt knoweth, that when thefc :ser~ : mons ·were firll: preached, it waS: cl neuer once intended that t~ey -f fhould con1e to the .prclfe. ·And -. .r . · therefi1re the \V hole difcourfewas ~ . matte~ a_nd rnanner,~s migh_t beft ~ . fit thecaRactty and neceffiue ofthe prefentaudttory. But lincefomeof theordinary-hearers had publilhed ~ their notes (as themfclues could.gather the~ in the ~ time ofthCtSermon)without our kno\vledge or cont fe~t,~nd tna.ny faulrs were efcaped in \Vr~ting and~ pnnttng,whtch byduecareand forefight mt,ght haue , bin-preuented :therfore both for our clearing;& the: ~ 1 betterfatisfyingofthe Chrifiian Reader, weewere-~-compelled to·teuiewand refine the whole Treatife• · -+~Whereinwehaueioiot~ laboured (as neere as wee .~ could) to fet il~wnee~e.ijii'thing, without addition ~~1 or·~~tr~t_tion,as it was fidl:- ddiuered in the~ublique \ Mtntfiene. . .. ,;,:~.:-;.;_..:, ·, ~anyreafons ther~yi; 'which moue vs to dedi– cate thefeour paQ;ela&burs vntoyour wodhip. ; · Firft,to telHfie otir vnfained thankfu-lnes for al the lingular fauours, which wee haue recei~ed at your hands,for the fplce ofthefe twentie yeers. Wherein . you haue alwaies ~e\vedyourfelfe as willing toaide and defen-d vs,in our iull caufe,as you were careful to makechoifeofvs,~tour firfi entrance into our place~f . Secondly,becaufe we know not ho\v foone we ibid A z . ~ . · fi~ri ifh
, . · · Tlfe EpiflleDttlit:4torit .~:; - "' ·· fini!h the daies ofour Mini~erie, we thought i~ out dutie to gil:le fon.Je. ta!l:e, ._ and to Ieauefo1ne tefrimo– nie_thereof vnto th_eworld,to ~vitnes your godlyde– fire to difcharge the trufi committed vnto you, and · our fa'ithfull in,deuours to perforrrie the duty belon.. gingvntovs•.. · · Laftly,for~ t-hat your felfe hauing form·erly heard whatfoeuer is herefet downe in writing,and"alfo ha– uingt~roughlykno\vne themanner ot ourdodrine and conuerfations,.you,are befi able euen of your owneknowledge, to ·make our·defence toany that fhall vniufily except-againfi:vs. .. -. Wehaueannexedvnto this Treatifean~exadand pithieCatechifme,n1ade by;a godly J'"arncd friend ofyours; that fuch as are \veariedwith the largerdif: . , courfevpon thecom:nandements, mayhere -bee r~. frefhedby·a·compendious abriilg:-ement,.of all -' the fubfiantiall pointsof religion~ . Tbe na~eof the Author,we haue rpofelyfiip– prtffed. But wee hope hereintha t \vee haueneithet' · w.ronged · him, nor others. For the excellencie o( theworke, \V illeafily tnanifefl: the workman ~ . And thus \rvithdueacknowledgement of the ma– nifold comforts receiued from -your fdfe, and the good Lady yourf:1ithfull wife,we ;c.ommit ·you and · al yours to the mercifid protection ofalmighty God: befeechinghim,fo to multiply his-graces,vpon you, that you may fee n1any good andhappydaies-inthis life,and inherit euerlaftingbl~ffednes in that·w-hich is to c<>me. Iianwell, ,the15. ofSeptem~er. 1604• ToNr W9rfoip1 much !Jounaj· ltt~J i11 all· Chrifti~tn.dHtiu t91Jt c•f1!m4.mle~, · to H N . o· 0 :D'; ~, Robert Clcauer•.
... ~~~~~~.~,;~~~ ~'l;tc~"A·~~~~~~~~~Y.~ A friendly coun[dl to the Cprifiian Reader, • touching the Au.thor and his booke. · ' . R Eadcr;~ebapp_v are that l~Ttc,i?z this bleflage oflig,ht, ~M:~t.rJ. Jl'Vbm byGods grace ar'd.f,ifis .to mm, CiJrijiJGojptll fhineth bright: 16. Andhappy[i1re)in minerfieeme, are tbofc that Pa/iors baue, Ad:. lo• VVho faitbfollyivzll cj;t Gods la~,in lottc rheirjo~tlcs tnfmre : " 7 • Tbat ·will memvery hidden faults make~nowr1e r.mto the;i' heart, c ~ I . · h. {;r;l. , dfi d ' l ;n I· or.r4·"• T ;elro~ 'IJC ttOJ-t ~hat t. ! 1 c aunetm_y may,(lf;l. .;z mCJrtr a part. ~· . 2 .Tim.2.• Such fo itiJf.Jll pni1tts fhall &6nuert fonlr:s by GodAimi£,bties flrength: 25• ·VVbtn blind:wd linjefa ithlejjcdrfJanes]hall be det r:Ef,ct length, · ~Hof.4.& To b~ the troubltrr oftbe ftatc, chicfe wor~en afalt woe, ( a.]\j;;g.18.1~ ~'1.~·1·8 To~mg,to &hurth,to common·wealth:.uf~orm true_tomam foe. . 1 •H• l[tbcnlhou liue in fiteh aplact,whert Gptl(i:r.l1guide dothgi11e~ •• • , OIJ.bleffe b'isnamc,attmdhis voice,obeybis law t:rtd lilit: But it inplace thouhaur abodeUJhtreignorance da.rk! doth raignt 1 ,.,.,;jh rhee forthtr (ee~e fiwtruth,or lhtre due not remaine. F~r w:hy(alm!)where ~ifton foilu)ht J'tople ptrifhm1tjl; A.nd[oule,not goodfor l»ant oft rutb,tuhtll,t·hm&fJrps ro dufl. Jutyet if• hat to Chrifl thou vvou!d'jl,i;: this dar~ejhtdeojnight, Sec htre alitlleflarre God[eader,iit ltJur to giue thee light : ' A. mirrJJur of Gods per(ctt lavv,vt~hercby thouji?memayftfie, .Aild{tei?Jgjh:m,and flie toC}rifl, that he mPy coucr thee. This vvillpr,lldnTJt~ne thy PIJp,Jb pride{l[merttingco1ueitr. . ()fable ~rength to ~eepe Gods lav11, at~djuch li'<f 'tletp decei[s 0 fiugling Sat an,blirldingfouler,andketpii!gmm in finne, Andytt bevvitciJingthem to hopr,hea'Hen by 'livor~s tovvinnt.. rea forther.yet, iffo thou vvilt d~oofethi!l·to·be thy guide. Lca_de thu i.t vTJill inptrfe_llpat.h,t~atfeete]halt neuerJlide: ~r1/thtJttfltf,recouerlbtt ztvvJU,zj erre,retati: Iffeeble,flrmgthe11andpre(ertte~at lea~, from ft;z,tllfaU. · AnaVtJhat thetr thot~gh ,gainfl authors minde,it ftrft apptllr' d i11 fight, Bynours hand,in ruder tyrecompos'd, andhomelydight f T~t mAt~thereinaVl.-'OY~e ofGud,brirtging topubli~e viC'tiV OfmalJJ,V'that i11tcneled vvas f6rpriuatcgoadoffevv; AndnovvreuiS'dbyauthors eye,andfaults ofp~"int cor:tlt, lngraue and[ober modeft vveede,not garifbiy bcdeckt. "Jtt,eiue inlo~e this holy vvoJ~e: byv1.1hich zfgco"t thou find, · Let'GtJdhaueprai{e for all; yet to his {errta11t thus be ~ind, To .Uvifl; that ftill. his life may be, to Gods mo(lglorirJUs prai[t, T.t~ChNr~hes f.ODd,andChriflians ioy,vvith ltnAJhofhappy d~tiet. E. c. . Prn.29·tl. Prots, 19 2. ~.Their.&.& 1.Cor.a.1~
. OF P·AINFVLL PASTOR·S andtheir flocks. · · W hen fillyJheepe, /;y ski/fo,Ufoepheards crooke, · 1·· npafturesfoireandgrcene .treduly fid, L edallalong /;y fomefweete rttnni11ghrooke, · L ilee Chrif/aUjlreamesfrom (/owing fountaines heAd> 1 nfafttie(uch ma'YfeedanJnothingdread. ~ btejftdf/iepheardhe,that.fheepefofeedeth•. M . 4TJJ ajh:epe_(Godwot) fochjhepheardneedeth-. ~ K tepeonyour courftgoodfoepheartls, t£ndyour(o/J:· _ . N. oftafonjlip,foules ofyourJbfepe togaine, . · .:.. ., ·; I nparching Sun.foine,nornightspinching·,cold~ G reater rewardjba/1heforgreaterpaine. .. ... /f! H· ee'Upayyour hire,whichfor his flieepe wasJlaine•. T hey that wifJ.[oulu,lilteJlarres(6y Godsajfont}: B · ternaUyjhAUfhine inftrmAmtiJij I .. .. THE
t f THE PREFACE. t 1. Generally toall the Cotnmandements. The Preface I . cotaineth reafNature. fons per[wa.. <{ • I · r 1. Common tG all hispeo· diogvs coyecld tz.SpecJalJy to . l plc. obedience: chc firft from</ [Place dangeGods I z..Proper rous to their _. Benefits. ~ tot~e If.. foulcs. t. l rac:lttes, viz.their dcliueExoD.to.x. t ranee from a Statecricuous tfi> their bo- · dies. GodJPt~k!~llthefo wwa1 ~tnllfoi~, I am theL1rdthJ G,J, .which "roughe thee fJHt 1{ the la11d ofEgypt,oNt ofthl hoHfo of ho1Jd4ge. · ~~~~~g· Hefe words containe a preparation, to !lirre vs vp vvich all care, and confcience tokeepe the law ofGod: which partly concerneth the obferuing .~~f all the Comtnandements ingener~~d more fpecially the keeping ofthe"IirH. That preparatiue whichpcrtaineth to aHJis in · . thcfe words (God JPakJ) that is, that feeing they haueG~d for their author,and immediate teacher of them, cu.en byhis ·.e>w.ne voyce; therefore wee mufl fettleour felues to obey them without relifiance, or gaine-faying. That which be– longeth to the fir~, is drawne, firA from the nature ofGod, (_ . . A 4 :being
~ The Prtfoct. beiAg lehoua,which fignifieth hiseffence,andbeingJncom~ municable to any creature: and fecondly fro1n his benefits~ either general,in thefe words(Thy God)that is,one that haue · boundmy felfe in couenant with thee,to be thine,to·deliuer thee frotn all euils.of foule and bodie, and to doe theeall good,for this life,and that which is to come ~or elfefpecial, in the lafl words (~hich ha11ebrought thee oHt of t·he l~nd of dg]'Pt)llgnif),ing>that he had fi1ewcd, and prooued him.. felfe to bee their God, bydrawing them out ofthat place, which was wholy additted to ldobtrie and fuperA:ition :, and out ofthat condition and Aatewhich was full' of mife.. tit and bondage. S!nce therefore this wondcrfull deliue– rance dothabundantly tdlifie hi~ loue & goodnes toward them ;-therefore they lhould wholly fubmit chemfelues vnto. him,and acknowledge him,and himonly tobe their God.~ . . GodJPrllzeall theft word.r. I N'tbat h-ee bdngeth i_n the Author of the words, faying: Godis nf- (God fpake them)we ar·etaughr,that God is after a pecul ~rapem-liar manner the author ofthe tenne Commandements.As al rar ma;-z. • . . • b d d d' fi G d r 11 erthe au- Scupture ts .to ee regar e , as procee mg rom o , 1()1 tkorofthe more neerely thefe. ten words) bccaufe they be after a more: ten comfpcdall fort his-words.. · · mande· , That thi~ is fa;,~t is prooucd plainly inDeuc.s. zz. where .mcnts. . Mo};s hauing repeated this law,fets downe two priuiledges that it had aboue all other Scriptare, to winne the.more au-. thoritie vnto it. - FirH he faith, TbefowordJ;tbeL1rd flulb.,!vntoa!lyourmu/:.. . titude:: noting this vntothem,thatwhereas the. cercmoniall and iudicialllawes.were· de1iuered by the miniHcrieof An.;. gels,and the other Scriptures by the mean"'s ofthemenof God the Prophets; thef'e words,.. and thcfe Commande- – ments,God hin1fdfe,\n his owne perfon,fullofmaiefHe and t,error~!)ccompanied with his glorious Angels, in a flame of fire,di.d pronouncefo ternbly in the heanngofthem all;as -that. theytrembled,~nd came to Mofos, reque(Hnghi-tnthac- _ . theymight no tnore heare God fpeaking on.,this-mannet: . for.ifthcydid ,) lfiiuedly .they ilioulddie for feare. Where'!- - · fure~
. · · 7'he Prtfoct. ·· 3' f1Jre in tllis firll regard they muH bee exccedii1gly reueren-· ced beca~fe Gods ownc voyce did fpeake them. Secondly for the· writing of them, theywerenot written as other Scriptures-, (whichS.Peter faith,Hbly men GfGod ~.Pct,r.lo•-wrote according to theinHin,~tofGods~oly fpirit)but God.:ar. himfelfe did write them with his owne finger; not v.f'ing · thereto either men or Angels,ls infh mencs. Yea,at-the firH alfo himfdfc m:tde 'the tables wherein they were written, that there might benothh!g in them, but onely--the imme– diate work ofGod: but afterward,when.Mofts brake them before the Ifraelites that had made the golden Calfc, there- Deur. 9.t1• by to lhew that they by their Tdolanie had broken the coucnant, and were worthie to bee call off, then though God did bidUY!ofts. make the fecond tables, yet h~n1felfc wrote Deur. 1 o.r•.. the Law,not vfing·thertto the miniflcrieof anyofhis creatures; fi1ewing that in this regard theybee more fpedallyl Gods words,and fo more to be regarded.. Andbdidc this teftimonie, diuers reafons maybe vfed, toChew thac thefe are G,ods,owne will.andwords .afteran· f:Xtraordinariemarmer. J -· For the wondcrftlll and perfea holindfe that is contai... ned in them, fl1eweth wh0 is the tnaker ofthem: becaufe. there is no good dutie, ~1hich God bound eAdam to per– forrne,but js coprchcndedand cotnnlanded in•-one oft·hefe:· _and there is no fin, that we are lrotind to abllaine from and efche-w,which is no.t forbidden in fomc .of thcfe tenwords• . Jt was aboue the ,wic ofmen or Angels,to containe inJo few words the wholeper.fetHon·ofour duth~)tO God,andman. The lawcs ofmen, though they fill rnany large volumest yet they are im_per.fect; and daily fotnething is ro beadded .to them)that was n_ot before thought v.pon,3ndfomethings . to be taken away wlrich now tnore ex,perience hath taught n.ot t~be fo profitable; fo that yet they flaod in need fiill of· renewing .and mending : but this law is fo abfolute, and doth fetout fo full-and Gomplet~a righteoufuefie,~hat ifone ~ould fulfill them all, hee (houldbee fully .ace~prablevnt0 God, at1d needed not ·fl.ie io ·Chrif1:1tobee llis Redetnlel'. Eor indeede this_mecteth. with all finnes 1 yt:a vvith the . . firft
- 4 Tlle1'rtfoce; . firll and leaAmotions: as Pau/faith;that he had nQ:tknown that lufi (mc;aning the motions oforiginall concupifcence) ttom. 7 •7 • had been finne, ·but that the law faith (thouftullt nt~t luff)• . · ,And as their perfe<~Hon ofhelindfe doth witnelfe fualcient- ·ly, from ~hatan one they had their b~ginfling; fo further this will proo4.e them to bt thevvords ofGod, becaufe they be written andengrautn in euery mans confcience: fo that let wickedmen Ariue,and labour,and doe what theycan to make themfelues Atheifis, yet it will not bce,they cannot ; blot out Gods writing. Thefe lawes Hick imprinted in their Aet.t-4. 17 • hearts and foules,fo firmly,that they cannoc be remooued. ,l\om.1.15. Foras PaHl faith, God hath not left himfelfe withou~ wit– neffe: but in e·uerymans bofome, and eucry ones nature, bath planted fo muchofhis law, as will ferue to lcaue them · ,without excufe,and tocondemne them. For who is there a.. mong the moll prophane men, whofe foule 'doth not con– ltraine him_,cuenagainfl his will, fometimes to confefle that · there is aGcd,and oneonely trueGod, and that this God is to be worlhippcdaltoby fuch meanes, as himfelfehath ap– pointed, and that he is not tobe blafphemed, nor his name to be abufed: but that he is tobe reuerenced, and that fome time is te be fet apart and confecrated to his woril1ip? Who can race thefe lawes out oftheir ovvneconfciences, though theydoewhat they can, and flriuc ncuer fo much toextinguifh this naturalllight? . So for the fccond table, what mans nature doth not tell him that there isan orderofgouernment amongmen,which · mull not,nor cannot without finne be violated? And fo,hea– thenand vngodly men, hauingcommitted murther, were not able to !land before·the furyoftheir owneconfciences, but were in a continuall chafe :md vexation:which fheweth, that euen corrupt nature bringeth with it this knowledge into the world,that w_emull not kill. And fer vncleane pcr– fons and adulterers,though in tirn~ oftheir profperitie, they ··· hauefoot~ed vp themfelues, and hardned their ovvnehearts · by liuingin pleafure_,and giuing thcmfelues to idleneffe,and . · the luflsof their f1cfh, and fo feemed to wipeout this law:' yet in mifcry, whenany affiictiot1 hathwakened their drow- , fie
ThePrtfo&e. _ S fie hearts., thiswould giue themno reil, neither durll they a– bide the face oftheirawne confciences, hut were driuen to acknowledge the filchineffe of their.finnes •. And fo in the rell ofthe Cotntnaundements. . Furthermore,·all the punilhtn:ent$·that are at any tin>e in-. flietcd vpon the world,haue cor:he fto\n the difobediencea– gainll this law; arid all the m~r ie$and bene~cs that me~ enioy, proceed from the obedtence yeelded to tt. For vvhen ·. God fets downe his curfes and his bleffings, doe they not runne thus? If thou obferue andkeepe thefe Commaunde.. Deuro2B• . ments,then thou fualtbe bleffed,in foule, in bodie, in children,io cattell, in fi~ld, in all things thou puttefl thine hand . vnto. Contrariwife, if thou wilt not obey, but neglectelt them,then fbalt thoubecurfed inall things. Lafiiy,Chrifl himfelfe came into the World tokeepe thefe lawes•.For·they require a perfctt a~d abfolute obe.dienGe, as. t·hey are perfeCt: which feeing no man could doe, therefore Chrifl tooke our flelh vpon him to fulfill them ;·that as eA--· damby his difobedience had caH vs out of Paradife, fo he byhis obedience might bring vs into heauen: and h.e came– not onely. to performe them himfelfe fuHy·,but alfo to make . his Saints able to obey them,though not iil perfeCtion, and · without any defect; (for that onely he himfelfe candoe) yet · in truethand fitlceritie; for that he requireth ofall his mem"' hers. ·si?ce·thereforeGod hath had fuch fpeciall regard"in-de- Vtc.ro ·. liuenng thefe lawes,we mu-ll hence learnc,vvith al reuerence to -hearken vnto them,and willingly to beare theadmoniti- - ons and rebukes that-ar-e contained in them-: whofoeuer we·· be.,a·ndwhatfoeuer he is that applieth them and fpeaketh . themvnto vs~ And in fo-clehtg, wee ffiall in truth{he\tv·our-· felues to beleeuc,that God is the author .of th·efe wor~ds,Jf · we canbe ·cont~nc to endu-re that the le precepts-th()uld be preffed and vrgedvpotlvs, though by one that·is ourinf~- riour,and baferin outwatd refpetls than our felues. When:, . .EbNd;amanofmeane llOte, cam~ to 3' Headneniffi kinga~d , . .bar.bar?u.styrant, bringing a m·effage. from God, hee ar~fe' f~om. hts throne:~ to,;attcnd vnto it. htd-.3.20. Yea whenwic· ktd:
6 ThePr-efoce. ked-B4ld4mwas tovtter the word ofGod Vtlto~ p.rpudKi11g B.tt"!ttck._, he was commanded to !land vp to ilearc the p.ara.. ble,Num.z 3·I8.Ifthcn this Heathen King was togiue reue.;. renee vnto the meffageofGod altogether :tgainfi himfe!fc; . hcing ·aJfo deliuercd 1 by fowickeda mclfen.ger; muchmore :X}.\ ought wee with all fearc and thankfu!nes to imbracc the!e ·:t~· la.wes 1 vvhkh the moll holyGod deliucred in his O\\'neper~ fon,and that for thegreatellgood and fa1uation of all that re~eiue them. And ~his affetlion was in /()b,as he tc[}jfieth<>f :L .himfelfc in his rr .chapt.3 3.verfe, that though hewas am'an offud1 wcald1 anJauthoritie,as thathe .could11~ue made a– fraid a great multitude., and could·haue crui11ed thembyhis power.: yet ,the .pooreH andmofl contemptible might haue dealt with him; and if theyhad feene any faulc in him (as .vyho liueth fo iufUy,but fomctimes thofe that be about hhn may fee infirmities in him?) and had come to tell hin1 that hehad broken the lawofGod,hc wouldhauebinquiet and .mild, and fo farre from fearing them with rough words, a~ .thathimfelf would feare before God,andlabourto get par.. don. He would not chafe with thofe that bronght Gods re- . hukes vnto him, a-nd fay, What hauc you to doe to meddle withmerwho g~ue you authoritie to conrrole your betters? .but_,cotrolinghimfelfJ.kept within his own doores,to hftble his fgule bef0reGod,and to fee·ke reconciliation withhim. The like maywe fee in thacholyman Dauidj~,-,·ho though he was aKin.g,&tnnointedac-Gods Qppointment, andaPro– ,phet ofexcellent gifts, avaliant warriour, ·& had foure hun.:.; dred men wella.ppointe"-1 waiting onhim:yec whenAbigal. awoman and n1eane·incomparifon ofhim., camealoneand brought with her the [word ofth.e fpirir, the law -ofGod, that-it was ·not lawfull for him to comnlit murther., and eo ~cuenge his owne caufc. W·ha.t thoughNtlhal had don~ in. -iude.?yet _fi~ewould knowofDatJid,whether he might Jaw– fully kill one in .his_owne pduace reuenge contrarie tQ the, ·law ofGod. . · , 1 · ·· · ,!. · Now whenDAuid feeth that llw commet~ fo well a·p· . . pointed, and brings fuch thong reafonsJ and that he could .not rulhonN4bA/s btood.,~but he1houldruthvpo. tl~e fword · --.. . . , ·Of
.ThePrtfoce. 7of·Ciod. he leauethoff, & thanks her for her goodcounfell. So that ~-ne fhe brought·the Iaw,of.God-for herwarrant,thi~ , was fo·good awa;rae;as y D~uid~urtl,not bu~ yeeld vnto it. , .Contrary)tothts,was the pract~Ccof.Ama~tah, that,when -~.chro.J~-he mollabfurdly had taken and iet :vp th-e.gods.-oftheEdo-- 1 5• 16 • mites, and God Cent the Propllet to·tell pim that he had dealt foo1Hl1ly, toworfhip thofeG~ds .that couldnot fauCt their owne people,north~mfelues aut ofhis hands: henow {ould ru>t bcarethis,but begins,to mock and threaten:Who (f;~ich he} ma<le:thee of tme Kings counfell? Art thou be- , ~omea councdlor now to tell the King.what he.hath to-do?, bold-thyp~,ace-,leA: thou:befmitten.. · TheProphet feeing him to deJpife the rebuke of God~ ,vauld not bellow fo much labour,as to giue him any more admonition: but faid, T-will 'hold my peace as youdid bid ~ne; but know, that thon lh~lt furely perifb, becaufe thou halt -d9n0 this thin-g; and not heafkened to my counfell. Though it w~s- foolith and naught inhim te doe that thing; yet if hee could hauc hearkened to the Prophet of God bringing the law ofGod, he h-ad bin on the 1nending hand, and all wouldhauebinwell :-but when he would doe finful~ ly,andwithall refufe tc/beadm-onilhed,then he muttneedes -be deHroyed.-And fo heewas.fhortlyafter, mofl fearcfully_, -and Hrangely·, by.the hand of God, and neither his kingdome, 110r his wealth, <nor at1y thing could keepeoff.th.C iudgement ofGod,and deflruclion from him.• . · · So then ~ w·i1Lwe lhew that-wee doe in cruth:beleeue,thac thcfc be the wordsofGod? then mull wee; whenany.man iliall p1:e.ffe ~my of: eheft lawes vnto-v:s_, flraight waies yeeld , .~ .. and floope VtH o them, and th~n - indeedewe-e confdfe that · " God fpake aH thcfe wo1·ds. But if\.vee beg,in .tolhift, and • clo:1ke,And colour,anddiHinguHh,then we declareeuident~ ly,that ourhear.t is not p.e.rfwaded ~that God.is.the author of· ·them.. . . . · _ . , ~. . , ~ · Sc~ondiy; .'lfe ~ay-tea,rne, not t~ l>·eafraid or afli~med te Pfi. ~~ .. ," · , lla0:4 for.;~Rer~J., ,a$~. ~.Ifo to .p,r~6Hfe .them.inour liucs,.though t~e, Atbe~Hs --~nd propha.ne hnners ofthe worlo,mocke and fcof(eat v~ !lCUcrfo m.uchJor thefameoPorwbat nec.d we be ) afliame€L; - .. .
8 · ThePrefoet. . alhamcd ro maintaine thofe words, which God :him(dfe was not ailiamed in his owne per(on to fpeake? and where- . ..JAa;k 1.38. ofChriH ~ahb~·He that ~s a~amedDfme,and my wordes;be.. . . f<?re m~tun this world, I wlll be·afPamed·.ofhill) be(ore tny ·Father m the wodd -to come. If God had.but fent his An– geb vnto vs withanyC0mmaundement, the.·glorie ..of fudt mdfengers fuould make VS bold tO def-end andmaintaioe -. the meflage.: b~~fi?ce ?o.d.di~ not fend an~hoRofAngels, .but came h1m.te~(ml11s Matc ~H~, accoropamedwit·h all- his holyAngels,waiting \and~ttending vpon ·him, fbould not we 1 now giue m~ch morereuerence t_o .thofe things, which .he i pake,and takemuchmorecour~ge t() Aand fqr.the maintenance ofhis.comma·undemcnts? . · · · · This feruetb. therefore cxceeding~y to condc:m1,1e t'heir daf.lardlinc:tfe,that arc: afraid tokeepe the S~bbath,or·19doe any fuch duty,.becaufe they fl10Uid bee -C(\Untcd Puritancs. · But is it not berter that men lhould hate vs witho·ut caufe, then that God lhould haue aquarrell againll vs vpon a iult caufe? .. · , Is it not much better that they lbould fcoffe at vs for good, then that God fhould plague vs for·euill? What a fhame is it therefore for vs, that when we heare wicked he– retiques fpeaking againll the Jaw of God, and propha.ne AtheHls breaking his_law,and blafphemin:g his name. wee ·thould hold dowoe our heads, andbecome mute,as though it were amatter offome great difcre.dit for vs, to fpeake for that which God himfelfe,in his owne perfon,hath fo highlie recommendedvnto vs? . . . . ,..;r. Thirdly,this ferues to teach vs to~eep~ this Jaw fpiritual .. r Jl J• r-. r: G d h h ly,becaufe ·it is fpirituall: 10r 1uch as. o is t at made t e law,fuch is that lawWhich hee .made. It reacheth therefore .to the in.ward parts ofcuery man, and lieth clofe vpon his confcience., And indeede in this it dooth efpecially difte·r from the )awes· of men: for thc:y doe tye the hande, and ·· , the tongue, and the foote,to thego<'d-~bearing, an.d .take notice if any'ofthefe be faultie agailJtl them :·but thc:y m~d .. die ·not w~t~ .the heart, and make no que!Hon ofjb~in- · ·ward motions ofth~ foule, becaufe man can bting;~t~:..nfc .o . ·p~tO.- C· ,,'' .$."'~
. The Prefoct. . · . 9 . proofcof..fu~habre3~hofthe law, n~ither· can·heehaueanie . wiu 1 effe aga-m{l: the 1nward corrupuons. But God fearch.,. Reuet.J..2J . cth the hearces'. and tryeth the ·reines, and entreih into the · {ecrctsofthe foule: and therefore bee commaundcsv·s to · louc hhn.wich.all our hcart,and withall our foule : not con... . tented with-fuch.aloueonelie,as is declared by the outward : behauiour·of the ·bodie. And fo for our neighbour, hee · comtnandethvs to loue himnot out-wardly onely,infaluta– don, ·curtefie, and good fpceches : ·but inw·ardly alfo as . our felues,that is,huruth,con!bntly.,feruently, andwithout guile and dffimulation•. Thereforeall.th~ obedience performed toGod, mufl proceede frotn Wtthm, a.nd come from . theheart, elfe,it lhaU bee no whit acc~ptable to him ::that whichgroweth without,ifit come not from the roote offin- . ~eritie· .within, fuallatfoord no comfort toour felues: but if,· vve will that o~r outward obediencebring forth any fruit to , ou·r owne foules.,or glorie toGod,we mufl look that it haue it beginning from an vpright, found, and faithfull heart• . Now,thenour obedience lhall be fpirituall,when it procee4ethfrom the foulc, and is \lone to a good end : but what-, {oeijedsdonefot: merit, as ~he Papifis doe, or for vaine glo- . rie,as the Scribes and Pharifes did ; this is n6t. fpiricuali)this , proc,eedethnot from the loueofGod, but from felfe·~loue:.: this is .a reflecHue kind offriendlhip:t y maketh vs do fome-.. thing vnto Qthers,that theymay·recompencev·sagaine,witb ~ . the.like-or ~ . better rcwa,;d. But then is our obedience true · apd vpright, wher.J.it comrmth from a goodheart,withde- - fire and purpofc to .ffiew·our -obedience.to ·God, ,andourc loue to men. . .. · · r!Ailthefo wsrds.- · GOrl fpakenot ·th<Z firtl Com.mandement onely,. nor the.· fecond,~~ third, and left·thete: bu·t be fpake themall; ; and gaue a-s ilrtaach~rge to keep.e eueryon·e, as anyone; ; andl•oone was vneredbyGods voyce., or ,written with his . owne.6nger,_mo!e.. thaa the other.•. ,Whence is tobe learned, 'DoRr.·. t~at whofoeu~rwill hau,·any true con1fort byhis-·obedience tp 9ods law,roufi not content himfelfe.to ,Jooke.to.one,or ·: · two ; ,bu~t _ muJlmakeconfcien.€e, and haue.a·ca_re to k~ep~· · them1 .····"!.• . '
·to TheP.refaci. 'Ruf.t. them all and~uery one~Fidl,becaufehee that 'is the author 2 ofone,is theauthor alfo 6f·all rhe·rell; and-he that hath pro.. mifcd a rcwardfor keepingone~hath promifed·a rewar-d ah. fo forkeeping all-: and he that thrcatnetn· to punitl1 the of– , fettdcr,doth 'not fay., ifthou,breake this, ort·hat, thou (halt· ~·3· 106 be curfed:-but-hethat continueth not .in all ·without excep... .a;-t tion,is accurfed; and liuing) anu all-owing himfeife in the breachofanyone, fhall be fure to beare the wrathof God, as guiltyofall.· For,hee that .doth -many go:.>d things, and yet .alloweth himfelfc tob~e difobedient but in atty one thing,llands in d.anger .to rc:uoh~Ghdnually,and to become, Mark ,,so .a wictkcd and openperfe<:uter. As thiswas 1Jcrt~d.rcafe;hee did many things according to lt1hn.r preaching, and did heare himgladly,and for other command~ments was rea.. {onablewilling to bee ruled; butforthe feauenth hee mull necdes haue a difpenfa.don·, and hec kept this refoJution 1 that let all the Preachers indie .world fay what they would,, he,ewould not bee ·brought .. to leaue his ·i'ncefl, nor to part withhis brotherswife. Thenfore we fee how-foonehe feU :· tohreak,firfl,the third·commaundtment,in fwearing to that light and ·wanton woman, to giue her ·whatfoeuer thee lliould aske,and then alfo he grew to perfecute John, and· cut off his head: {o taking liberty -to himfelfe tobreake the feucnth commaundement,he cafl ofall care and regard : uac.1,.u. ofthereG. So theyong man in the·Gofpell, ·hee thought himfelfe in a geodforwardnes tO· heauen, -and indcedehce· had donemany things, :andmanygood parts were in him, · {o that Chrill himfelfe didloue hitn: but when ·OriH bad told him,that one thing was lacking, and that bee muG fell all that he had,and ifhe did fo,he Chould be noloof~r(for he lhould haue an inheritance (but then hee muAknowwhere. h1s inhetitance lhould lie, and,whence he mufllooke fo.r his rcu.enew.es:,namely fromheauen)thenhe'loo'ked fadly, and went his way•.He could haiJe been content to haue had that iaheritance, tbatChrifl fpake ef, fo ,that bee might k~-;p~ :':' .. his earthly po~effions too:butifthequelHonwere,whe~~~'-: he would take heauen,or earth, he chofe.rather to leaul.ll~j~ ' .. uen,then to p,art with earth. 59that he that liucthwiui.~.ili · . ' . ·aroi ·
. The Preface~ . I I and purgofely in the breach of any one con1tnandemenr, falls away from the refi: as contrarily he that bathrefpett to all the commandements,is fure that he ili;t.Il nruer bee con.. . founded. Pfalm.I 19.6. An_d fo lames faith,Chap.2.verf. 1 o.. · He that k!epeth all,r:md !Jreak!th one,i.fgu~!tie of a!!: not mea– ·.ning, that ifone r-hrough infirmi~y flip into any fault ,he was · llraightway guiltyofthewhole 1aw,(forit may be truly f<t id, that bee that breaketh all through ~caknes, not allowing himfelfe in it,but llriuing againH it, and crauing pardon, i' guiltyofnone)but this he meaneth,that whofoeuer fcemeth to keepcall the other commandemet~ts.~andyet wil willing- . lymaintaine, and beare t\·ith himfelfe in the breach ofone, he did neuer performe any trueobedience vnto any.Though ene be no thiefe,yetifhe be a Sabbath breaker} he breaketh the whole law.For ifone aske him,why d~noryou comtnit adultetie? and hee fay, becaufe God commandeth that J lhouldnot,thenhe would keep thcSa.bb;nhalfo,for they be both alike the commandementi ofGod:but ificbee not be.. caufe God commandeth then bedoth not obey the law, but fcrue himfdfe. Therefore he that makes no COtlfcience ofall .Gods tawes,hath no foundnes and fidelity in hi1n, becaufe he cloth not remember that God fpake all thc:fc words~ The vfeofthis is, { ·Gro Qnfute Popifb religion, and to Y{e. r. proue that th~y be a t0g .tber carna.llJand finfull people,and n1ak~ no confciencc 0 f an' 13 1 8 of God; becaufe,for the fecond commlndemc·t r, the~y do wholy allow thcmfdues to breake it: for the fco pr an I rum of that ccmmandement is, that we lhould/eruc {;o:i, nut according to our owne in... · uention, but accor~i : n g ~{' his wi.1 : bu~ rbdr religion, wh~t is it but a meered euiccvf mens b~·ain c s? and what doth it conGHof,but oft.hey ec{'ptsof men? For where doth the word ofGod te~ch ht~ ni eo make Jma,_'!,es lay· mens bookc.sf'~~ nayldoch t!ot Goddiret'tlycall them teachers ofliei? And H~a.~.1 t.. what warrant haue theyfor 'thdr Maffcs and l}rlgr~mage.s, · and fuchother Hufic, wherewith their religion is pd1ered? Therefore t~ey be hypocri :es, and snake·no confdcoce of any ofGods comman cl ernents. And r1ofl ofthemhalJe l1Q careof theSabbath,but haue more regard oftheir Idol holle ~ B . dayea
ItThe Prefoct. . dayes,which the Popehathappointed;than ofthe .Sabhad, d·ay,which 6odbath commanded.So,formofl ·carnali .pro.. ·fcffors am·ongva,who almotl is there that regardedi the Sab· b-ath &fcarcth to breake it,any further than the'law ofm·an: wihakehold ofthem?&: fome be ·afi·aid, lell,ifit beknown, they f11ould be·reproued for it' pubiiqueiy, at1d the miniOer would let theheare ofit in.theChurch.Buc iftheycould keep themfdues dofe from the Magiflrate,&Minifler,would not moll ·!nenwilHngty befollowing their bufindfe y day?Thi~. is tQ procblme themfelues hypocrites,and that theyhaiie no fe-1re ofGod, norregard ofhimin their heats•. Oh btit they 4opc they are good·Chriflians,anddo keep the lawofGod,. for they do not Healc,nor fweare, nor lie: but do they not · know that God fpake al thefe words,& therfore he bathno , found heart,that addieteth not himfdfr:o keep them al? T?fe. 2.0 •. This mull teac'h vs alfo, that vvhen wefee that God doth not bleffe vs accordin-g to his promifes made ·to ·thofe that feare him,thenwe~mull examine our felues dilig-ently con– cerning our obediece to this his law;whether we Iiue not i.n fome finne,or whetherfotneoJcl Gn lie notin vs,which hadt neuer been rep-ented of:for certainly God layeth nopunifb,., rnentvponvs,butondy for contempt,or neglect ofhis law. Wherfore when he llrikes vs,we mu!l begin r·o examine. our Gen.u.~ o.bedience.So did JaciJb in Genefti,whenhis {onncsSimeon& L1ui had committed that cruel fa~,and bee was therfore be– come o.dious in the light ofthe people of the land : then he · k11owcs that there could not be fuchtrouble without; ifall were wel within.The1fore he begins to fearch·his family;and · tG fee howahhings wentthere,and then hee perceiuethpre· fently the caufe ofall thefe flirres; for his houfe was Rained ·with Idolatrie,his wife had got-ten her fathers Idoli,attd ma– ny ofhis peoplewere infetted with fupedliti<On. Then no ~ .. wonder;,though therewere fuch troubles abroad, whethere . w.as fuch.diforder at home.Therfore he purgeth his houfeof: ahhis filthineffe>& buriethal thefe Idols in the ground,tha,t . they m_i ght.neue.r~urt him or anieofhis-,anymore. Alfo this. .. fetttcth for .tht fin gular CQrnfortofall Gods children, -"Phat~·· fit-h.althefebe. Go,ds C_qmmaride.mecs)euenal 1 as welas -~ne;;. · . ;he.tforc. ~
·. The Preface. . . l.J th.erfore.they !ball hauepower alfo toobey them all)as well .as one.For that God that hac-h enabled vs to ·kcepfom~, can as wdl Hrengthen vs to keep all the reG:becaufc that .power . whi.ch we haue to obey one)s not from our fel ues_, but from the work ofGod in vs. And indeede God doth not giue vs thefe laws, that we iliould itn_agine we canpbeythem ofour fe iues,but that (teeingour owne wants) we iliould goe to_ him for helpe.Why then lhould not eueryChritHan hope ·to be able to yeeld obedience to God, in whatfoc~1cr God colllmandeth him?As God witneffeth this efDauid, that he r.King.IJ·f wa-s aman afcer -h~s owne heart in al chings,fauc in the tn~tter ofV.riah:for there he finned prefutnptuouil_y,his heart was vp.right in al things elfe. And hke~'~fe as itis fpoken ofZa- . charieandE/i%J61hcth,that.they were perfe& and vnblamea- Luk.·1.G•. ble in all things: ( no.t that they vyere quit from all infirmi... ties,or had not their fauhs as wel as other•Saints, but ihey wer~ · vpright'and fincere,thcir heart wasttue with God)eue.n foGod can andwill giuc grace vnto an his, to obey eucry )J. one 0fhiscommandements with a true and vpright ohc• dience.So that no n1anought to difcourage himfelf.f:\utoh, will fome fay/or other things 1haue fame hope that I ·lhall . ouercome them :but I £hall neuer _get ~he better of this or ·that fin whileIliue.Well then,other linnes you hope you·catl · ouercome;but whether hat!e youpower to fubdue them by .anyvertueofyour owne,or from theworkingof Gods fpi· ritin ypu?Ifyou fay from your felfe, then you.fpcake igno- . rantly and foolifi1ly: .~or fleO, cannot kiH a-ny fint1e~ this muAbe the worke onely of GO!:>: b!Jt ifyou fay that ,Chri!l lefus did gioe help vnto you againH the-m, why fhould you clc>Uht of vietorie a,~ainll thi~?~e th~t gaue you ability . t~ o~er-rule you~flelh tn fo~e tmngs_.canno.t he,e giue the hk:_1~ ali?yea,thts very mer.c1e,~hat. he hath gmen you a dlf– pohttonand power to obry _h1m m one comn1andement is a·fure tdHmonie to you,that .hee will d,oe the like in th~ refi;fo t~at 'by hum.ble, fait~fu~l, and feruent pra;yer, yo~ craue thts grace-at h1s hands. Th1s therefore which he faith God fpa!teahhefewords)is ameruailous encouragement t~ . ,the Saints ; that therefore ~ feel.ing their wa11ts in any .. ~~ -~ . ®tJ
.. . I I 14 · . The Preface~ . . · · duty, they maygoe to God {lnd fay, Lord, thou art the au.. . thor ofal thefe commandements alike, and theket·pingof them al pertaineth to rpe as weIas toany o~her:thou know– ell 0 Lord that there is no power in me toobey the leafl of them;therdorc I comenow for help andgrace from theelto 1nakemeobedient to all as well as thou ha!l to fome: fo we fl1all obtaine·grace to keepe cucryone,as well as any one• I am lehouah. ' '\ THis word fignifieth the cffence of God, and his abfo-– lute perfetl:ion in a1 his attributes. It is expounded in · He6rewes ·I ,.s.Chriflyeflerday, a»d today, and th~ fame fqr . eHer, and Reue/.1.4.he that waJ,a'1d i.,·,4nd is tocome. He that is the felfe fame in al his properties euermore, as hauing his. · being inandofhimfelfe. le dedarech, ftrH, Gods eternity,: whereby he differs frem all cre.atures,,~hcreas men and An– gels,though they beeeuerlalHng,& fo·fhal haue no ending, yet theybe not crernall,for theyhad a beginning from him, as other thing~ had, but hee from none•.Alfo power, and wifedome, andmercie, and iu!lice, and fiJch other things . which are properties in men and Angels,,in , h~m are natures; . in vs they are weaKe and impcrfec1:,inhim abfolute and per– fe&.• Men and· Angels arc Hrong, tnerdfull, iufl, patient, _ · tr~e:but he is Hrength, mercy,patiencc, and truth it felfe: in., them thefe things are qualities, and .finite, and therefore · c.hangeable: in him eflenriall and infinite,andconfequcndy . vnchangeable. · t P(t 1. This mufi teach vs earnefHy to feekhis Ioue)and fauour, ~"' '7· z.8. which ifwe haue,nothing can hurt vs, for in him 'W:e liue, . f .. tJ' moNe,andhaueour bcing.Hauingnis loue,we haue al power, . ~ wifcdom,and counft ii on our lJde.Ifhebe pcrfett in himfelf, ~ and al creatures haue,vvhatcucr theyhaue, ·fr:om him, what . ~ neede we feare ( hee being withvs)what al the creatures . ~an · , [ , ' 0; J . doe again!hs?feeing that all their power is deriued from.. 1 ~ ~~ · him,and vfed ~this direction.We fee amongmen,ifthere be ' ~ ~ one,whofe eflate depends wholly vpon hi$ Landlords c ·c:1 J,elie, . that t:~1ay put bim out, and begger. him when . . Rle.afe)~ow.carefu~lhee is to pleafehim.,and.haue his ..... ·v.;ff;• ••,.;
The Preface. Is Jell through his difpleafure he fhould bee turned out of all. So is it wi~h all the men on earth>they be all Gods tena.nts, . and thata.t will, no man holdeth any · ~hing by leafe for an , houre,our breath is not our ovvne, but his. It is at his ap- DJn.s- 2J• .pointmcnt what fhall becon·ae ofour foules, and bodies, Vthether they fball be faued,or damned. And hee is fuch a God,whofeanger is an eternall anger, and his wrath an eternall wrath,and his pl~gues euedalling plagues: therfore how carefull and qiligent fhould we be to pleafe him? And then we fhe\vour fdues tobeleeuehis powerand infinitnes, when it is our greateH care to fee ke his fauour. Secondly,this is for the confolation ofGods children. Is V[e :., God the fame for euer, and that in his dealing to his chU- · dren? and bath he heretofore vfed his power for their de– fence? his wifedome for their €lirecHon ? his mercy for their comfort? then he will doe the fame fiill to vs alfo. Therefore when any ofhis children haue been brought int0 great miferie,and that for their finnes, a~ Manajfoh was to that hard cafe for his great vvickednes,yet when he repented and betooke himfelfe to prayer,we.fee(;od heard him, and , holpe him both out ofhis finne and mifery. Did he deale fo with him? then the _queHion is wheth ..r he be Iehouahor . not,whetherthe fame·for euer withqut anychange. If hee be(a~ fure he is)then he muft deliuer vs alfo wh,en •wee call vpon_h1m. But are we fure to bedeliuered out ofthis .trou-o bJe, and tobe fet out ofthis de-bt, or temptation 1fwee call Ynto .God? This we are fure of,that ifwee cry to God, hee will deliuer vs from our fin ne, :.?,nd from the punifhment of it, or ifthe croffe doe hangHill vpon vs, he will fweeten it with fome fpirituall comforr,and flrengthen vs that we iliall bee able to endure it, and fo recompence it with heaucnlie ~race,th:u we fh:tll gaine more in the fpirit, then we loofe in the flefh. But vnldfe that we beleeue that God is lehouah, and immutable, all the hiH:ories ofthe Scr!pture are made vnprofitable vnto vs, then wee haue no vfe, nor comfort of thofe things which we heare 2nd rcade: as ho\ivGod bletfcd :Ahraham, and deliuered lacoh, and did tnany wonderfull H1~ngs for hii people in former time. But ifwee holde B 3 this
IS The Preface. thisfirmelyJ thatGodisthefameforeuer, thisisf~re, that whatfoeuer g()od thing he did for thcm,hee will-do~ the ltke for vs,ifwee vfe the fame meanes. So alfo-if any one hath. found in himfelfe, that at fi.1ch a time I was ingreat troubles. and terrors, and then I prayed vnto God, and I know that ... hee heard mypray:er,andhdped me. Areyoucertaine that· God did heare y.ou.when you cried heretofore? ·then -you .. · may befarre more fure ofthis, that if you crie againc,he will heare youagaineJelfe he lhouldnot be Iehouah. lfhee haue been yours once,he is yours Llill,and wilJ be yours_ for euer. This is alfo for the terror ofthe wicked-; Is GGd lehouah, . conflant, and vnchangeable in his iudgements? thenlooke what plagues proud perCons hauehad hcretofor~, the fame, lhall they haue now, fo {i.Jre as God is true, vnleffe they re– pent and get pardon inChrifl. HathGodplagued theeues,. and adulterers)andprophane perfons in former times? hee is Iehouah, let them looke to it, it is .his.name and nature to . hate :~.nd plague them that bee~ Cu~h, euerlafHngly; vnleffe, there be repentance on.their p.:art, and pardon-on his. Like- . ·wife canany one fay by experience, l fell into finne hereto-. fore,and then I got a wound t~ myconCciencC', ablot tomy~ name,and hurt to mybodya ben as fureai theLord liueth, . as fure as God is Ieh£)uah,without change; fo fure make ac4:0Unt to fpeed as ill in Gnning.now,asyoudid before. Many. that did {leale before,and were broughtto thame,and could-. fcarfe faue their liues; yet when.theyarc deliuered, will fall to.it ag_~ine,but yet farre more clofely, (as they imagine} . and wi-th much greater skill in the trade: and then they, thinke all lhall bee well. But who found thern..out before?·.· did not the righteous Goe,that will reward wicked.men ac-– cording to their wickednes? Then be fur~ that as hee hatb. . already fhewed his power, iuAke, and anger againil their, finne; fo vpon like prouocation, he w-ill doe the like againe. I.et n0t them looke f<Jr better fucce(fe in their latter finnes, . then in the former, fince God rem~ineth.,confiant, .and is, b.oth able,and readie topunHh them. So,fome haue plaid the filchie perfons,and Godhath~e... _· wed it to men, to·their difcredit :.will they then fall to ifa... t · · -. ~'aine~_ :,ii.-;.· ·~ - ...... """'J.
.. ThePrtfoce. 'l7 gaine, an~ thinke. they can hide it? No, th.ey lhalJ no~,for God will reueale tt. Though they may thmkeGod wtll'be careleHe ofthem, yet bee will not ~e ~areleffe ofhimfdfe, . and his own·e name. As fure as hee ts I~h,uah that brought them into the pikes before; fo fure, ifthey turne againe to t·heir fllthic vomit,hewill bring the tO tnaBlf: againe ;·either in this life,tomake them repent and iudge tl-.emfelues: odf U0t)then fure in the life to cotne,where the burden fhall bee muchmore heanie, and intolerable vpon their confcienceo, and fhall preffe themdowne to hell. le is awholefomeme– dicine for fuch finners, tocome to f11ame here, tbat,ifit may 9e,they maybe brought to repentanceand amendment. , Somuchfor thenameofGod,Icbou~th; that he is without cbange,or lhadowofchange: what euerhe bath done, bee ·will .doethe fame for euer.. 1.. hy Goil. . · ' THE former argument of obedience was taken from . Gods nature, that bee vvas eternall in iullice to punilh finners, and in mercie to reward his children. ·Now this is fron1 his goodnes,lam thy God; almightie indeede I am, in– finite,cternall, andperfect; yet fo as that I abafemy felfe to · take care for thee,toha,uea louingbearttoward thee,and to be thy father, and to make theemy childe; to be thine huf– band alfo,and to make thee my fpoufe; one that hauepro– mifed to giue thee all good things, amd eo remoue all ill things from thee: this.is to be thy•God.IfGodhad fet down only his infinite-Maiefiie a.ndgreatne5, and his glorious .in– communicable name, rhat would haue feared vs, and made vs flie from him: but now he encourageth vs by this, That · he is our God, and giues vs thefecomtnandements for oltr · ownebenefit,andbecaufe he loues vs. The do&dnehence g:uhered is,that ifeuet weewill obey 'Dotlr~ God in foundnes, then wee mull know him to beour God Ifwe will tohaue tender.care ofvs,to louevs,and that we lhall fpeed: ·~U:diabey . , ·befl)whcn wee yceldmoAobedie-nce to·him. And t·his rea- fouadnes, ·;; fott MofoJ fiill vrgeth vpon the Ifra~lites: Thou mu!lobey ~:fik'~:w him, and heare his ·voyce, for he is the ·Lord thyGod, ·that :hi~. ta8e .loucs thce~and carcth for thre. our"Go.& • .B 4 ~ i.eafoa
18 . · . The Preface. Reafon·wi1U11ew this: for ifwe heare that God is.infinite in power.) and doe not withall know that he is our God to vfc hii power for our good., then it make:s vs feare, becaufe . we knGWnot where to hide our fclues from·him; when wee heare hisinfinitc iultice, we quake and tremble: as nothing vcxeth the theefe more, than to heare ofa iuit ludge_, for · · I then he hath no hope ofefcaping, vnleffe he haue a.pardon, il and know that the ludge comes todcliucr him and to doe him good.Alfowhe1rweheare ofGods patience,and good– nes,and mercie; this will be but avexation to vs,vrilcfic we ·know that he is good andmercifull tovs. This addeth to the griefe,to heare that God is go0d,ifwe mull not feele it. For. t.he the wicked hart obiech thus: They preach much y God_ is tncrcifuii,gratious,&c. But what ~s this to me,that he is fo . to others? I am fure he is. not fo to me, lthall fare neuer the .. 1 better for it. This vex-eth the guiltie confcicnce, to heare . that fuch good things are laidvp in Gore for Gods children, and ye~ he mufl tafle ofnone of them. As for a begger, ~hat bath nothing,to heare tell of large poffeffions,~nd great re- . ucnevves that Rlufl bee left to fuch and fuch aone,this is ce.. dious vnto him,and makes his miferie more bitter; a.nd in -thiscafe,till men be perfwaded that God is their G.od,they count it.bootlcffe to·pray,and as for giuing ofthankes, they ·want tnatter and arguments•.So that nothing canmoue or alJure vs to feekeGod,till weknow that he is good tovs;~md will giue ~sfaluation. Therfore, ifeuer we ·would yeeld any cheerefull obedience to God, Jet vs labour to feele the truth of that, which God fpeaketh, That he is our God, our'Sa– uiour, and bath done·more for vs, than anyother can, and · therefore wewill obey him aboue all. Yfo. 1 • . To this e'tld then, wee mull exlmine whether Godhath V'Jrought thofe things inv.s, which hee doth in thofe, vvhofe 'l ~am. x·.I8• Godhe is. As firfl, for God the Pather, he regeneratcs,and · begetsvs anewby the word oftruth: trie then, whether \ve ·haue this note .in vs or not. Doth the wordofGod abid~Jn '" ~lvs· : hath the.immortall feed-made VS· new creatures, an~:.b~! ,. ,. :gun t.o work ill',monaliiie in.vs ?,'then conclude,(ureGb'd is: ,,f. 'ourG.od.. .: ~'. ·.·'' " ~ t .. • Secondly,._ --
The Prefoct. 19 SeconcUy, God llieds his loueabroad in the hearts of his . children~rnd makes them crieAbbaJather. This is not fo in ,Rolll.8,ry•. men~ they,when they beget a fonne, cannot beget achild.;. like affeCt-ion inhim,but oft times the children be rebellious and llubborne: but ifGod beget a child tohimfelfe,by the . fcede ofhis word, he makes him affeCted to him as to his fa– ther.lfthen,we haue th·is affe6lion to God, that we,Ioue him as ourfather,certainly this ishiS-work,.&we are his children. , Alfo God the Sonne,ChrHl Iefus, where he comes,hc kils Gi!I.~ . l<f.. tinne,ryeabates our lull and worldlineffe, and workes a frefh Ioh·4· 14; fpring of grace and holinefle: but ifwe fede no workofhis death in vs,to mortifieour fin,then how can wee know that he died for v~? Ifthe power ofhis refurretlionhatJe had no e.ffcCtin vs for our fan&ifying, how can wee beleeue that he didnfe again for our iufHfyingandquickening? So,for God the holy ghofl,where he comm~th,heconuincetk the w0rld Ioh.I6·8~ . <?ffinne. Before,a naturall man can fay much for his fin, he can defend it,andhath wit to ;tlleage many things for it,and : wiii hold -vp his head in maintenance ofit: but when Gods fpiritonce entreth into the heartJ that fees himdowne,and makes·him he cannotlookevp,till he haueconfeffedhis fin, . and craued pardon, and been afiumedof it thr<~ughly. Buc many there be,that would bee thought tohaueGods fpirit, ~et will oot be reproued : but that is verified·ofthem,that is fp·okenofthe foole in the Prou~17•2 2. Bray afoole-it~a mgr• . t4Y,41 ·Wht4te iJ· !Jr-Aied-With A pef/ef/, rtt wif/ not hedepa't from:• hkfollie. Bu.t ifGods fpirit rcproue, andchecke thee for thy finne, andmake thee fearc: blelfed art thou, for G·od is-thy . God. . _ . Ohbut I ammore troubled and terri-fied now,than I was-, bef0re. True: and it mull be fo. For Gods fpirit, where it · takes place,mufl needes conuince men offinne. For it is not : (as tnany think) amatter ofwit, to flanJ in defenceof finne, and to be able to fpeake fbr a bad thing,but it is a matter of :· ·. lull·; for where luH: hath dominion, it whets the ·wit to fpe~:;: ,, for it.,and the diueUhel ps: but ifGods fpirit comeonce, i~·~~,~.u:, . dritks to aplaine .confeffion, and cafls downe Sathans do~.::·:-y,. · ;.. minion,~nd the11lu!l ruleth,the w~t no-more. Alfo.the fruits. , ·· of:
2o The Prefoee. eaLs.u. ofthe fpirit are Ioue, ioy, peace, &c. Then trie thy fclfe in .. . thefc things; not tohaue beautie and llrength (for aBull or · · a Lion is firouger than a man, and many other beaAs too) but to haue patience, and gentlenes, and a moderate fpirit ro adorne thyminde,thefe be fure fignesofGods fpirit.Alfe .,1J:om.8.t). the holy GhoGmakes vs able to crieAb!JA father; it makes vs able to :breat·he out our reque!ls vntoGod,and to powre out out fupp.hcatioos before the mofi high: if we haue this ·fpirit of prayer, then it is plaine the holyGholl isours. So t,hat)ifGod theFather haue regeneratedvs, and Chrillhaue ·kille-dour finnes,and the holyGhofi haue madevs atbamed of them,and to confeffe them,likewifc ifit worke in vs loue 1 t.ll!d patience,and moderationQfour affecHons,andmakevs able to pray vnto God, thenqod is ourGod, and this will make vs obey: but ifthis be lhaken, all is lhaken, for this ia ,the foundation ofall obedience. . rButmenwilLfay they "hauea fait·h, and beleeue in God : which ifthey had, 1 it wouldbring forth obedience, and ha Ye ·workes. Forhow-can theychufe but obey God,iftheyhold ·this.fure,that <?iod loueth and regardeth them,aadwiUgiue .them a reward for euery .good thing diat they doe? And this euery .one mufl performe .that will fay, God is my -God. t·Yft. s. And :here is to.be reprooued the iniuriousdealingofthe PapHls: who,as themfelues are iullly debarred from the af– furance ofGods mercie, becaufe they reH on their owne merit-s, fo would they depriuc all others of the ·comfort of perfeuerance,makin.g :this a.certainepoint oftheirreligion~ that no man Hands certaine offaluation:andby this meanes ·they hinder men from cheerefull obed-ien~, and cut off all ;found thankfu]nes. which lr111lht thee tJIIt ofthe l•wJ f1{ 'Egypt,oHt DjththoHfoDflJ1wd4gr. NOw he.proues himfelfto be theirGod, becaure he had , done fowonderfuU things for them, in theirmaruci.. lous deliuerance,that though Pharaohandall Eoypt was .a– ·,gainct them,and (which was worfl ofall) their ;WllC; vnbe....· ·liefc,yet.qodbrakethroughall and fct t.hem .~e~! :· .~.{-
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