Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

ro8' The thirtiCommtmdement, caufe: but when one commethbeforeaMagHlrate,in a pub.. P?rfwe~ · like affembly,a~td in amatter to bee publikely trted, accor.. nnwberore d' h d · fl' h · d' 1' a M'aoi. mg to trut an m 11ce;.t en to wtnne ere tt to a te, and - llratc? vniufl dcaling,bycalling the true·God to witnes, is euen to make God a falfe witnes like themfciues.And this is to vnite and linke many finne s together: for he doth not only pro– Peri ured phanc the gloriou~ name ofthe Lord ofHoaHs; but alfohee ~:;[h~:u~:: is a thicfc, and robs the innocent ofhis right,and drawes the htrers to an vniull vcrditl, and the Iudge to an vnrighteous fentence. Now the vvay to preferuevs againfi this abufe, is to feare an oath: as E,clef. 9· z. dcfcribing a good man, and oppofing him to a fit1ner, notes himby this marke, That hee fcares an oath,whkh the linner is accuHomed vnto. And hcc ';,, that is afraid to inure hia tongue to fwearing,lhall not eafity be ouertaken with wicked, and tnuch leffe, falfe (wearing. But, he th.u hath fo lauilh a tongue, a~ it can, with as much facilide anti nimblenefle poure forth oathes, as other words, he is in continuall danger to fall into that foule and mol\ odious tinne ofperiurie. And tllus we haue heard how this Gommaundement i) broken. NDw followeth to bee feene, what is heere required. It commaunds generally to glodfie Gods name, as isfurther lhewed in the1o1ext table. ~ lrLife,by aso_dlyandholyJiuing ia C~hr~~~l:-ofe~fsion. i . 1 rwithout an oath; in fpeaAt tributs, reuerendyand to good vfc n kingofGods Titles, andedification. ;;·< 1 · Workes, ~ I ~Swearing ; that he baucfaith and a 5.; . < _ r . t;ood confdence• • 2. · . Pcrfons Towhom the oath 1s fworne: that ;· ~ Speach l 19 tile lawfull vfe \ he eo require & wil accept anoath. tof an oa.h,byob· • . f~ruin[) thefe ~, . ~t.Truc,in our indgmer,&knowledg. c . rults uuhe Maner, ~. Ofweighrand 1mponance. ! Lthat it be J. Performed with great fearc aal\i reuerencc of Godsname. FirG for life and conuerfation, aChri!lian is bound heere to b~haue himfelfe fo, tha' his whole conuerfatiQn may . ~ · - ·- --- ------ -- --- - -~- - - --- --- --- - ·- -- -- · ~ring