Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

'Ihe thirdC8tnfJ'ht.nderJHnt~ - I I 3 uethpowertoour friends to doe vs good, and klndneic to put that power in p r~ctife; who ahnoll cloth fpcakeof his goodnefie anJ power, that he continuaHy doth thew and pra61:ife cow2rds vs, to moue hirnfelfe, and others thereby, more·earndlly to.glorifie nis name-? ' . · Thirdly, wee~re here comm~unded to liprake ofGods Godk·s n. ' wor s rr.uu; workes wi th reuerence andthankfgiuin~,whethe r they bee be fpoken workesofmercie,or iuBice. And thus the chil'"lren oflfrael, of wuh re-o , • uerence. with their leaderMofts,.afcer tha·t wonderfuJI aelsueranceat Excd,t)• ther~d fea,did fall to praifingand 111agnifyingGod, and to confeffehis excellent greatneffe snd .l\1aieHie, and fee out the fame to aU'pollerhie. And as we mufl magnifie G·od for alJ his worke~ fo efpecially for thoJe that goe beyond our reach,and feeme moll contrarie to earnall reafon .. And thus ftJu!, hauing difputed of d cction, and- reprobation., fuch .workes as carnall men aud Aefhly wit mo!l fnuffe ar, and · · would willingly ihew their quarrel! agam!l, ifthey durH for feareofmen,Pau/Jfay,bcing a·man ofGod, fpeakes tnotl rcuerendy, and wich wonderfull admiration of the great~ ne!feof(;od, Rom. I 1.33• 0 t_/1c dupnuffe ofthe rlcheshoth of 1 he wifedome andk..,NIJW!edge ofGod! how v nfea rchable are hi.,· Judgements, and /Ju 'Wain pajlfinding out! and then>who bath kmir,me the minde1[tbe L ord? who can tell whyGod chu– fethone to life) and leauechanother to death, why heewill haueonefaued, and another condemned-?who can ~ffigne the .caufeofthefe things' ?And~ia the next vcrfe!hauing be– fore fpoken ofordainingone tofhame~and another to glo;. rie, he lhuts vp anddofeth all wit.h this· holie and reuerent conclufion, wondring. at -his greatndfe: Of him_ (faith he). ~nd thrtJughbim,~ndf urhim~ areaOthings: to him6e g IDrie fo'l' e11er. A men. As tfhe ib,ould haue faid: He n1ad-e all r-hiogs ,. at the fidl hitnielfe, he fuflaineth and prefen.Jeth all things by his ownc po~er ·Hi11, t:herefore jr is mo_fi iu,tlan·dequ1H.; that he.lhould difpo(e and or.der all rhjngs according as · feemes beH \;nto,h~.m_,for.his owne glorie. · . An,~ :t~ \i\'~'! !~uf\f!~~ile t<JmagnifieG~ :d in thefeworkes, we nruft t~at c~oL[.'! our .rea.f9~l9in,thqft ftlfo tb.'at ar~ mofi c-ontrary ·pra ife God toour,a'ffcaion: as in our cioff'es and..affl' tHons,. ~\od thus ~i~~:~£" 1·· -. H 4 did ~