Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

120 The thirdCommandemenl. but duA and alhes hke himfelfe. Therefore, iith mcr. let it flip fo rafiJy, God will take the morenoticeofic, and puniib ic more lharpdy. For indeed men are fane more carefull fot their ovvnevainc glory,then for Gods glory; and therefore, ifGod fhould referre it to mens affi(es,it is fm·~-:, little order \vould be taken for it. Yea, commonly it is feenr, thac thofe which lhould reformc and correCt others in this point, haue themfelues moll need to be reformed, and corrctled-: and the greatt fl rulers,that fhould moll repre£fe bllfphcmy,ofal otherspratlife ~t moll. For ifthey be neuer fo little c1 offed, how do they feek to cafe themfelues 1 buc byviolent and out– ragious fwearing ?Therefore., if God fhould put t:luer the punifhment ofit to their difcretion;ltkeenoughavny Htght penalty fhould fcrue the rurne. And men alfo could not ia.. AiJt a fufficient punifhmem: anfwerable to the fault :fi>r dam– nation is the due punii11ment,as lames 5. I 2. Tbetdor :",Qod will haue it come before his iudgemenc fea re, and himl~lfe will be the Iudge and execut' this offence. ·yre ~~ Sith then, Ged vndenakes to punifh it : the vfe is for the Sue~ ks vre t-error ofair vngodJy perfons,thacrake llberty to thcmfdues ~goes to runne ouer, in the breach ofthis Commandement aboue in the rell,that theygrow fhameJdfc, they neuer feeke to hide vaane,gro\"l h "11 d · ' h h d'O k · d fi 1 more and . it, nay t ey WJ o lt to gneue t em t at 1 i e lt, an V ua- .t)re 1 ai Iy they take a great pride ~nit. ame e e. Manyalfo (oftheciuilerfort) will be loath a man lhould fee them takeaway their neighbours fhcepe,or flea le afheet from offthe hedge: but ifthey fweare in a paflion, and bee told that theyarc in great fault, they wrong God, in that which is moR deare vnto him, they prophane and chfhonor his name; then they turne all into a iell and laughing.VVhac? is that fuch amatter? doeyou Rand fo rnuch vpon an oath? who is there I wonder, thatdoth not fweare fo•neumes,and eropout an oath before he be aware,when he is angaie? And doe they make fo light a matterofit? Is it a finall thing to fall into the hands ofGod?NJy there be fome ofGods p(:0· pie, that can fay truly, through Gods mercy, thauheyhad rather chufe, eo haue their foulc drop from their bodie, thaR a raih and paflionatc oath from their mouth. For ifGod · hauc