Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

140 . inearnall reafons to make vs negligent. What needyoube fo Hri&, this is too much·nkeneffe. You are n1ore precife then wife. M;anygreat and l~arned men take far greater H .. :·which theywould not doe,.ifthe matter were fo dan.. gerous. Haue net they a care to be faued as well-as you.? lhall:none go,e to Heauen, but fuch as ;are as fqupulous as. your felfe? and fuch like : which will certainIy carry .onea .. 'way vnlefie he ·.flriue to confirme himfelfe; by thinking on GodsCommandement, and· fo tbut out thefe obieel:ions. What?hath not Godbid mee remember, and lhall Ifufter men to make me forget it ?bath not he giuen mee two rea- . fons to'keepe ic? the one Aronger then the Iewes had : and fuall I be mt1re neg:ligenc in keeping·it then they,which had but one? They had weaker m~anesofcomfort, as the blood ofBullesandGoaces, and the fprinkling of water, andan earthly tabernacle,and high Prieft, and yet they were with reuerence tovfe thefc: and lhall we, that ha·ue more excel. lent meanes,cuenChrifl Iefus offered vp for a. facrifice once for all, and the fprioklingofhi.sbloud)to.purifieourfoulcs, and the heauenly tabernacle opened for vs,by him-our hea– .uenly high Prielt, and continuall mediator: fhall we(I fay) :that haite aUthefemeanes, inore plaine, and excelltntthca .... < ' _theirs,benegligent tokeep thisSabbath?efpeciallyfithGod bath giuen vs this,as a meanes.todrawv.sfrom earth to hea– uen,&: to make vs grow in (pirituaHife. Hauing then al thefe impediments,vnleffc .wedoe arme our fdues in the weeke . daies,and flrength.en our faith by reme-mbring Godscorn• mandernent,and re>a(ons)and by aw'ife pre.ucnting-of thofe di.Rra8ions;(whic.h-byd1ligence maybe cut 0fl)weecannot with any comfort or cheerefillae-ffe keepe the Lords dayho· lyvnto theLord. :.rc,..e~· Latlly,ifwe read-the Scriptures of God; and fee·howof. r~~~~~r~' tenhevrgeth·thispoint,and how earne!Uyhe preffethit,this wiJ ·funher.will make vs labour continually to call t<:> mind that \"hich vs to keepe . . . . • • ' theSab! · · he fo often hath repeated vnto vs~ Becaufe) 1f It ·werenot. a ~~cb. neceff'arie dutie, God,would not fo manie t:imes, in fo .-nany places require it at our hands .. So that,euery one mufl labour, bJrfear,chinghis·confcience., and watching ouer his . , . fu~ .·