Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

141 foule, to rouze him fe from that IumpHhndfe,and drowfi– ndfe tkatis within him; and,by prouidence andforecall of 0 utwardl bufineffe, ~to put away.all cncombrances a-nd di- . flratlions. · This then ferueth,to confute thofe,that make rhis obie6lis On againfi the Sabbath:We ,cannot keepe it, we fhould bee Loail.ebesgi,ts:e u . AO 1 rt ·C vndone,ifwe lhould thus forbeare our worke ; for thefe Iof. to breake fes and dam3ges would infue, thcfe hurts·would comc,fuch ·~~~l~:~~t bufiodfe would be left ~-ndone, which cannot bee omitted grow b[. ., without great hurt to mme etlate. But I pray you,whence :::.0 1 ~ come all 'hcfe loffcs? what is the caufe of thcfe damages, btanc~to and fi:raights? I·s ic not, becaufe you forget the very firit kcepeat. word ofthe commandement, RemembertheSabbath?Then this is no warrant for vs to brcake Gods co.mmandc:ment, becaufe we hauc forgot thar, ,,.:hich God bids YS remembfr. This is cuen,as ifaman lbould forget his owne purfe be– hindhim,whenhe goeth to the market ,and wanting prefent money for his necdl~uievfes, lhould lleale fromhis neigh– bours as muchas he needed; V\ ere not he to be reputed as a thiefe? but he hopeth it fat1lt; for ncceffitiedrauehim toit,he had forgotten his money at home,and therefore hec thinketh in thisncccffitie,hee may rob and fpoile his neigh– boursabroati without offence. W·hy,but doth this make it lawfull to fieale your· neighbours goods 9ecaufe you had forgotten tobring your owne? Nay, anhonell man thouId ~ either haue been mindfull tohauecome prouided,or elfe he lhould haue beencontent to beare the burder.s ofhis owne · negligence, rather then to . rob his neighbours, for his : owne default. And euen fo men dealc with God : OhJ · they cannot chufe but ·breake the Sabbath, they are driuen to it o~force, neceffitie compdlcth them.. What neceffi– tie? why, fuch thiugs are to bee done, that othcrwife would bee loll. But why did you not remember thetn be– fore now? lball your former forgetfulndfe bee a warrant for you to robbe rhe Lord, to Heale Gods holy time, and ahufe it to vnholie things? Som.chaue a bond to difcharge that elfe will bee forfaited : and why did you not remeu1ber before fo ~o prou_ide J that the payment might no·t · K z fall