Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

( : { SJx, Jaies foalt thoult~~oHr,and do ~lltht1H h11j1 t1 a11~ , 'IN whic~ words the Lor·d yeelds a reafo~~ ~~y wee fhotild obey hts Commandement. God hath gtuen aman fixe daies,for the dutiesofhts calling: but'oi1 this cb1\dition,that hec fi1all contriue all his workes fo J \JVithin thecompatfe of fixe daies, as that hcc let none N:maine tHt the feuenth> no'r refcrue ~ny out~r ~·~d thing to trouble hi~from ~he ferui~ ofGod on the Sabbath. From this equitieJ God drawcsa · reafon tomoue eu<'ry one ofvs to l<eepe the Sabbath. From Otidscom. whencewee may gather, that Gods Commandem~nts arc mandemet$ equall: as he faich ,Eiek.rS. 25 .whereGod deal~s \Vith thofe areequall, l h h' 1 .. h .. 11' d lh h h' . · t 1at c arge ts awes Wtt lntUnlce, an ewes t at 1S "' . . ; ;., . waies be altogether cquall ~~md the waies ofman vnequ.all. 1 · Ai1d x.Ioh·>·3· he faith, that the coinmandements of God areeafie. Indeed tomany they be mofi tedious andheauiei but this is not from any vnequalnes in theIaw,but from th~ 11aughtineffe ofmen, that ~aue carnall hearu, andwotldlie tnindes. For,ifonehaueouercome theworld,and is growne any thing fpirituall, fo 'farre Gods Cotnmindements are lightfome. The fpirituall heart feedes on the fpiritualllaw, and delights and reioyceth in ir. Thc:kee· This mufl ferue therefore to cut off thofe dangers, that ~i~t ohthe men cafl to themfelues inke~pingof this "ommaudement: bau~rt:~o as though God ouerlhot himfelfe inmaking furh anvniufl,that noman can keepe, without the ruineof his eAate, as though he knew not what he did, when hebad them rcll the Sabbath day. It is a~arueilous imp~dcncie , in many, that -nomandares fpeake fo hardly and prefumptuoufly a– gain{hanypofitiue Jawofthe Prince, as e.ue!Y bafe perton will fpeake againH this lawofGod. Oh·it is impoffible (fay ·they).to kee·pe it, fuch Jofl?s it' brings, and thefe and thefe 'damages com·eofit, that he n1ufl needes come to bc:ggerie whichwill obferue it. ~hat,didGod {eeke the impouerHh-. ing and ;the fpoile afmen, when hee bad them ferue him? Nay hee appointed it as adayof bJeffi~Jg, and it feemes (o hardand vniufha them,becaufe they be earnall arid fld}~Jy: · .~nd not hauingfaith in Gods promifes, nor a111 detire to •. r obey