Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

· Thefo~trth Commandemenl. · -' 159 ca8ion, 1e~ God will fin~ himout and plaguehimfortheill affetlion. And fo much for the things that mull bedone on the Sabbath;'and d1ofe that mufl not be done, and two rea- -{onstakcn,onefrom the equityofthe Comm~ndetnent~the other from .the right and title ofGod the commander.Now heerehecomes after to a declarationof'che perfons,feueral– ly comprehended vnder th_is ~ommande~ent, ~ami~gfirll .the gouernors,and then chargmg thetn wuh the 1nfenours: . which are either tnore neere, as thofe ofthe familie; or far– ther off,as the flraoger: that is to fay~ fuch as are not ofthe .fame nationor religion. Thou. _ B, Y this is meant,you whichare the mafters, and mi!lref ... fes, tbe fathers and mothers in families: for vnder this · ~ word,borh arc cor:nprehcnded,becaufe he addes,thy fonne, and chy daughter: Now, · the fonne and daughter pertaine equally to botn the parents. In charging the fuperiors to fee tbat their familie keepe theLords eay, he rneetes wicn that comrnon corruption, that binmo!l men, whopretend that they will keep~the day holy thetnfelues, and thinke.their 1 children may bepermitted toworke or to play. Nay, faith _ the Lord; Thyfonnt or thydasghttr, &c. mutl not worke, or ·prophane it any way. Naming them firfi, becaufe parents through naturall affe6Hon are ready to winke at them, and _ to let it flippe, tho~gh they prophane c;iods s~bbath, by feeking their profit and p"leafure; and they~ fay, youth mull haue fome libertie,w~ mull let themhaue a little fport. Not fo /aith the Lord. How euer you bearc with them for other .· things, at other timts; yet you mulllooke to them careful– ly that day, tha,t in no fort they tranfgrdfe ic. Then, hee names the man at1d mayde feruant, becaufe cornmonly fome lucre is gottenby their labour, and tome com.modttie feemes to follow J if theytfollow their worldly bu(lneife; for whichcaufe menare flacke, to caufe them to ferue God, but would pe content they ihould ferue thetn. 'Therforc,God faith, alto look to them.Ifany fcruant would · L 3 ' ·be I •