snd tedious labol;)r ·?and can you not conflraine them to kee'peat homeone day, to doeafarre more eafie and light.;' fotneworkc, aod that for their ownegood, and faluation? This is miferable thifting, andplaine halting; thefe excufes ~ • will not hold out befere God; he will !hewyou,th:a, ifyou -bad made as great account ofhis honor and glory, and o- . beying his Commaundement, 3S you doe of feruing yaur owne filthie couetous lull, and obeying the Diueii; ifh1s namehad been as dcere to you, as gaine; you might with _;tS much eafccaufe your feruanrs to fpcnd the fcuenth day, inhis fenlice to his glorie, asfixe befor~ it, in your owne feruice, to your profit. But what is the caufe that youth is fo ... rude? Is it not becaufe.they hau~ learned it ofage ? wh,y. be . . inferiors fo prophane,but becaufe they follow the p~~t~tne, :.t n ', , and treacle in the !leppe~ ofthdrfuperiours? how corit~· rhe"·. · .. ' braunches tobring forth fuch ill fruit,but that the l'oot yec-1- . dcthno better fappe ? For ifthe feruants might fee fo·much loue ofGod, andcareof keeping his Commaundements,. . appear~ in the conuet:fation of their maGers and dames, as they fee ]u£1 of the ·world, and eagerneffe ·after lucre, they \'VouJd, ' for outward thew bee bet ter. But noW that they fee, and know thedifpofition oftheir gouernour, they· frame themfdues thereafter, t01 fcrue -him jn his couetous. · defire,aJld robbc Godofhis honour. Ifche feruant fl1ould buc negletl his afta.ires one or two houres in the weeke, and follow his owne fports amd vanities; when hee com– meth homebismaft er 'wouldbee vponhitn,his damewould haue a fayir1 g' to him, and hec lhould bee fo baited wit~ re... bukcs; tha t thoughhe had a grcedie mindc to beabroad, andno great hr:an to R~nd fweating at his bufinefle, yet mi– ferabl eteare would make him. tarrie at home, rather than . heewould endure the fharpe fau<:e, that .muH come after his (we~te plc-a fu res : ·but let hitn bee where hee wiH, and doe what he will vpon the Sabbath day,.. when h~ co1nmeth.:. home, either.his maHer an~ dame allow him in ic,.or elfe they be mute,and faynothing vnto hitu; or ifrbey do begio. t? reproue him, Jt is·done fo coldly, fo ·carcldlely, with-fo · .l~ttlc vch~ruencie, that the fe.ruant tnay w-ell percdue, it · comme;h{ . \