9()11J'fll4ndemt1JI. · 165_ life · ia thehou~e '=1fGod, toc~me Joy~ul~y him.felfe, and'hls ( wife and a'riog their familie with them, that they may be ac ·the-beginning,- and tarric out till theending, that they may haue thewhole fru1t? andnot (as fomc do) begone, before i:he Sermonend)ot at leafi, runneaway before the prayer be made for ableffing,and the ble£l1ngpronouncedby the Mi– 'nf(ler: which fueweth they neuer felt the goodneffe ofche bleffing; they are fo loath to tarry the Min~llers prayer, be- . caufe theywant thefpirit of puyc~ themfelues, and kns:>wnot the benefit ofa faith full prayer. For, if the fweetnes of God's bleffings had dilHllcd vpon their foulcs, ·or they had cuer felt the comforts that follow~ prayer made in the h,o1y . Ghofl, they would be more dcfirous ofthefe things, that~ ·theybe, andno~h;lfie fo froin them, as ifit'\-vere a curfc, not ableffing;and fomething tending to their hurt)not a fuppli– .cation toGod,for their good. And as they tnu~ call chemvp in the tnorning,and bring Examiilatithcm to the Church, fo another dutie ii, to examine them on. ~aftef~ an.d call them to account ho\v"' ihey haue profited. Ifmens feruants ~ee fent to the markets, they will not let ihem goe, without ~aking account what markets theyhaue made: fo, whe11they come from the Church., .as.from-the nurket o(t~eirf?u.les, ~h ey fhoul.d queflion whh them; to - _ fe; wha~goo_d b?rgaines they ,hal1e mad~ for thc:ir Joules, -,vhat profir..thefhauehad~ by ·comming to Gods ordinan– ·ces.; anJ thus laying .th~ir Hore together)belpeoneanother:·· This feruet~ alfo fo_r 'the.imflru6tion ?f feru~nts, that fit~ . i God lu.th latcl.e(pch a~b~rge vpon thetr fupenours,to looke that they_ ~~·~r~ ~i~ ~ a.~~~l~. ; t!l.e,refore tiley.f?otJld willin~}y.ber~lFd,,)~ ~~o ,,f~~~ tne~re.Iues t_obe gmd~d by them1n this pomt : and~\s V'~ell ot?ey them on the lords day, to be dihgent in tlik.whrkes of God, as in the weeke dayes, for _ matters ofth·e~~;ca l ling.. They muH not fay, .(as manypro– phane feruanrs vvill) whenthey are called to bee infirutted in religion, They wiltnone ofthat: but, you hired me (fay _they) to do your worke,and that willlperforme: that is n1y couenant,and' rnoreyou fuallnot get ofme : what needeth all this adoeabout keeping the Sabbath, andcommirig to . · ~e