Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

Thefi nt. 169 them out ofthe dangerofhell fire; for, ifbut two or three,or fome more ofthe ancient men that haue fome authority and {way, in the congregation, vvopld ioyne their ~ hands with the Minifter,and f't-t in v\·hh their priuate rebukes, . to make · his publike rcproofes forcible; younger people would bee .more afi1amed to finne, _at:ld learne eo bchaue themfelues– more foberlY: 1 ~nd n~t by-fo open difobedience to bid bat.. tell to thepubHke doetrincofthe MinHler. Therefore ~his, flackndfe and coldnes .is much to be reprooued .. . Then fecondly, this is for the encouragement ofthofC, that doe dd1re to helpe others out of this or anyother fin: 'they may boldly with an vpright heart and good confci... ence rebuke .a Sabbath.breaker. And whereas theywill ob. ieet)Why,whatis that toyou? If I linne my felfe, I mull pe.. rHh my felfe; what haue you to doe with 111e? They mull , know that euery one hath todoe with .them; for he is to , loue them, and to loue the congregation, ~nd to loijeGods , glorie, and therefore, as much as he can, to difgracc finne• . For,though finners begin to fee fin~e on foote; yetJ iffome ·. godly wife man will encounte.rit,with a found admonition ·: .and tharpe rebuke,that will dafu and difgrace it, as much as– the wicked perfons fupport it; fo that,it cannot get thepead fe foone-. Therefore,becaufe.they be m.en that fii1ne, and it is Gods law that is bt:oken, .and the whole Congregation , maybee infe6ted and poyfoned, iftlrangers might be per– mitted to workeopen ini'q~itie; .he that hath a found heart : any ofthefe, hathgoo,d warrant,an~ ought to beJorward to .vfe a preferuatiue a.g~inH this poy!on, and to Hand for \ GodsCommandemen.ts,andthe falua.tion ofman. Let wic- -- . ked fim?ers,while they will, accufe thetn tobe bufie bodies, yet God will dearc them, and they lhall find by good ex~ · . per-icncc, thatitis brtter to difpleafe men bydoing good., . .then to offendGo~ by~eingcuill)oromittinggood .. _ E>to·d. 2 o. I 1.~ Ror in.fixedaie J the L'ordmade heauen andearth~ , theSe~t,&c.and re-fled the feuenJh d.iy. BEcaufe this Comrnandemcnt is much oppugned by fol.. . . . !owing theeuil praclifeofgreat lllCll(for almofi al men ' . - · - · b:teak~ .;