Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

The I7I . Now, the reafon why it is befl to fet God before vs as a · paterne, is,-!Jecaufe his exam~le is fo abfoiute in all f?Ine~e ofperfectio11, that no exccptton can ~ee taken .agamff. tt. Bring the example of man, and there 1s fom~thmgagamR which aman may except)to ldfen the force of tt. As }Jauid, andPeterand fuch good tnen ·haue had their flips, and no man liucth fo holily,but as Saint lames, 3. 2. faith, Inmany tbingrwejinneall. But the example ofGod is ~o exaet, and altogether righteous,without any fpot at anyume, that no fuch thing can be alleadged againAit. Secondly, if make God his example,he lhall grow better and better, becaufe flill hce fl1all come fhort ofthe markeheaimethac,and neuer bee able to attaine to the per– fecHon which is in his e~~mple; fe that {lil he fhal haue cai– ling,and caufe to encreafe,and goe forward. Ifone fet man for his eopie, eit·her he may write as well as his copie, or at leaH he t:nay imagine th'at hee doth, and then hee flands at a Ray,and thinketh he hathpro~tcd fufficiently:but this exam– ple isnot fu biett to fi1ch conceit, noman either can, or vvill dreame that he can be as good as God: fo that here is Hill occafion ofmending and increafing. Thirdly, hee that followeth the examples ofmea, hath great meanes ofpride,and to be puffed vp: for, comparing llimfelfe with men,he is not put in mind of his faults,but ra- .. therthiriketh,This and this I haue done better th~n the moll, and in motl things I am equall to the be£l,and fo is in great danger to bepuffed vp: but now when hee (leauing men) looketh to God,he feeth fo m.t1ch imperfe6Hon in hitnfelfe, and fuch infinite righteoufnes,and goodneffe in God,as that vpon thiscomparifohhe groweth more humble, and lowly, and to knowhimfelfe more; fo thar,though hegrow better .cuery day then other,yet he thinketh worfe ofhimfelfe,eue– rie day then other; and hath.a greater infight into his owne corruption, byhow much he gets more flrength againH h1s €erruption•. ln_thefe regards therefore, and for thefe rea ... . -fons it i_~ tn~ll fafe, and ·p,rofitable ;t.o makeGods.example a·rule for. ourfelues~and , to follow lt fo neere as we can in all things. , r- ! • M This ..