Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

1'/il~ ,Aa,accl•' . ,· · f'onfot < Gods fer- ~()'JII11#4.,1Umtlll. by the(e meanes God muAbe fet at peace with man,a .per– feet reconciliation made, and all former finnes, and enimi• tic,betwixi'God and man,.. put away. This greatdl worke that euer.was done {when heaucn was· purchafed for man.· iinners tnade iuA before God, and miferable men' ofth~ ' e.arth had the rightofan immonall Kingdome in heauen be. fiowed vpon·them)was brought to pafle, and fully~ffe~ed by thefe meanes,that to mans reafon, ofall things fcemed the mofl vnlikdy to bring it to:paffC',:being amatter offuchwen-der and difficultie.. · · . And fo at the refurrecHon,what·g·reat changes ffiall there i»ewrought in the twinkling ofan eye? thofe that haue lien· · in the dutl,rotten,fome thoufands ofyeeres, lhall bee raifed . from theirgraues,made aliue,aAd Hand gn their fe·ete: .and that bodie, which;when it was in it bell e·Aate before, was fubiect to paine, and al kind ofmifcrie,&~uendeath it fclft~, and finc.ethat time batlh beenc turned into duH, dcuoured of wormes, and as-it might feeme, brought to nothing, fhall inamomenc:{ifit bee the body of afaithfull ChrifHan)bec ft~ed from mortalitie,frombeingfubiea·to difeafes,or any. afBicHon,and Gull be made fmmor.tall. and intorruptiblc 1 and like toChrift Iefus in glorie. Sowon<lerfull,we fce,bcc the workes ofGod,Jo mightie be is,and fo full:JOf power,, that in the fi1ortefl th:ne,andby thofe that feeme the weakdl meanes,hecanbring to paffe the moll glorious cfttels that can ,be.~ · ·· · .• · · This then (ifwce often meditate vpon it):wiU'ferue won• derfully for the cotnfort ofalhhofcchildrea ofGod, yvhofc. cafe is fo .gricuous,intanglcd with f-o many perplexhies,op• pretfed with fuch ruines both of hotly and eflate, as they~ t_hin,ke idmpoffible to get out,andto be repaired againe,or at leaA,that it will be.along time firfl. For, if w.e could but. bcleeue Gods almighcie power, all things are.- poBible to" .eod, & all things are potfsble to the bdecuer. l.c 'maketh 00' matter, what the difeafe bee, fo God ·be the Phy6tian; ic,. war.,.2 3• skUietb not,what diflrelfe aman be itl, fo God take in hagd ' tohelpe him. He can as foene cure.the deadlkfl wound,as th~!~aUeft fcarre~nd brin&~onc Oilt of,the greateRmi(c~ic "''"~ '~·