Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

Thedaa. ·gersthar sa!Jbata M.2ktFI '"""into. ) . enioy theirCitie,theuhoufe~ and thei.rwealth,withall pro. fperitieandabundance. So that, wefee, that for foule and body,Gods promife is, that the fan6Hfying oftheSabbath wilbringcomfort andhappineffe to~both. · ,Contrariwife,ifwe be negligenta_ndc!rcletfegfthe Lords. clay, we-draw his curfes vpon our owne.heads:as Exod,.31. r z.&c. whereGodcomtn~ndeth them,that they fuould ab.. fiaine from aHwot"kes, and keepe it holy: for ifthey did work, eucn inmaking garments,and things f.or the Temple, ·which fccmed to pertaine toGod,(muchmore in things of their owne) this cuill would follow, they lhould die the.· death; this is the punifhmenr ofpolluting theSabbathtG inRiClcdvpon thebodies,and this Goddothexecutedai. Jyeuen among vs. For though the law of the land takcth . not holdon fuch pcrfons,toput them to death, yetGod gi· ucth them oucr to commit fome finne which dcferuetk deathby mans law. And the firLl caufe of all, and that,at whichGod Llrikcth, and which their ownefou1csfeele mol\ heauic(as appcarcth by their daily complaints, when they arc brought to execution) is, -that they neucr regarded the Sabbath,llcither had .careto hcare 6odsword, and to fpend "the day in dutie~ ofreligion, and in prayer, but followed af. tcr-vanide, and their ownelulls; and thcreforeGodiuAiy .punilheth their impiety againft the firll table, by giuing · them vp to commit fuch againfi th~ fecond: and though the Miniller cannot excommunicate them, and cafi.themout ofthe congregation, yet God excofumunica~ tcth them, that in their foulcs they are cut off from the _. chut:eh,they haue no life ofgrace, no fruit er working of the worde and Sacra~ents, more then ofany idle talr,or bum·ancAorie,no gracewrought by the meanes, no death of Gnne 21 no hope nor defire of heaucn, but are dead ia finne, while they Hue in the Adh. They may fay indcede, and fay true,that ~he obferuation ofthe Lords day is tedious vnto.them,that they canfee nogood by the exercifes there• .of,theybe fovnpleafant,and fo vnprofitable tp them. They ·hal}eno benefit thereby : but why is this? not bccaufeGods orclina~e wantcth forceand venue, but be,aufe theywane l'CUC• .