Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

- - .,_ - • . . - I -doe all theduties,and alfo fpend all the time in thefe duties: bee muA: continue. from the beg;nning to the ene:fing. As, Pfalme92.2. To declare Gods loutng kjndntjfoin the morning, ~ndhis trHth 111 ~ight. So that the Sabbath muG be fpent, both morning, ·night, and all the day, in holy duties. One mull forbeare worldly bufindf(", yeaworldly ,th~ughcs, the . whole foureand·twentiehoures; for ifwegiue our thoughts _ liber.tie to ru~ne afier the matters ofthe world, in the night, . we breake the Sabbath in part. Andheremany faile that out. ofthe Church will be talking with their neighbours, anc! – mufingwith themfelues about earthly affaires; and thi'nke _ · they hauemadeagood hand, ifthey fpend the moll par~ of thedas 1 -till after the Euening exercife, in worl<es ofReli- . gion, and then they make nequeflion to take their recrea– tion,or to goe about their btJ!ineffe ifoccafionbe. But hee • that commandeth to keepe ic in the Church,biddeth vs keep it in the houfe; as to heare him, and fpeake to him in pub– like,fo to fpeake to him out ofour hearts in priuate: and not to giuc: our felues lcaue to thinke the leafl thought of any worldly bufineff'e. :Now then, ifwee feeme to nlake confci– cnce ofthe Sabbath, and yet doe want that bleffing which we looke for,lct vs looke toour felues,and we lhall fee that wee~re halting in fom<! one of thefc: eitherwee keepc the, Sabbath.lumpifhly and heauily, t~at it feemeth as a tedi– ous bunhen to vs: or elfe wee doe fome one or two duties, and leaue the reA vndone :·or laHly; ifwee doe all the duties,– that are to bee done_, and that cheerefully, wee are wanting. herein_, that we obfenie not the whole day,but keepe'fome ' part ofit fromGod to- our felues. And accordingly,as-any man comtneth fhort in anyofthefe duties,. fo he commetb. lhon ofthe fr.uiteofthe Sabbath.Btlt ifone lab-our with ioy ·to doe all theduties ofthe Sabbath.; the whole day, he Chall node in his owne foule, that it is in truth a da-y of bleffiog,.. .. 3nd bring~tn ~ore ioy and comfort ' yea anJ a greater , blefl!ngwkh'ir,theh all tbe weeke befides. And fomuch for · this fourth. Commandement)~ftheSabbath....