Jgt themfelues· with this inward vndutifu1nes, lhew it fi1rther, by rouoh words, by froward countenance, by vnreuf:rent and vnfic a6Hons.And manygrow fo familiar with their pa– rents,as one that h~d not koowne them, feeing their beha– uiour,would rath,·r thinke them tobeneighbour and neigh– bour then father and fonne: fo vnreuerendy,and vndutiful- .ly do~ they behaue themfelu.es,without any outward tokens ofreuerence. And indeede, what do~ the frovvard fpeeches ~ ancllo·okes ofmany children prodaime rbut that they haue no feare of God in their hearts, no righteou{helfe in their hands, nor any regard oft he duties of the firfl or fec-ond ta– ble. Ifeue~ thefe perfons Iiue to haue childreu,and God doe not in iufticce cut them oflf.eoncr,they{.hill finde,that their children will rcuenge their fathers wrongs into their bo– fome, and bee as readie to ddpife them, and carrie them.. felues as vnreuercndy to them,as cuer they "''ere to doe it to their parents. . , . The next dude isooedience,which is commanded,Colof. ~fc~~~j~~~ 3.20. Child~en o6eyyourparents. And he ad des a reafon, For eo their pa· thu i4pleafing to God. It is not onelyaioyfull thing to thepa-rents. rents themfelues, that the children fi1ould obey their COlU– mandeinents; but teat wherein .God takes great delight, and is well pleafed with. And on the contrarie, it doth not · ~ onclygrieue the parents,that chlldren be flubborne and re– bellious, but it offendeth Gods MaieHie alfo, and grieueth his fpirir. No"Y the things wherein child.ren mu(l obey their pa– .rents, arc cfpecially thefe. Fufi-, in doing the things which they commaund, and performing that which thfy fet them about (though it be neuer fo bafe and painefull t~ be done) fo farre as their Hrength vvill permit. Fot,though fome chil– .dren m-ay thinke, This work.e is vnbefeeming my worth, (for as eitery one is more proude and idle,lohe hat·h a greater conceit ofhimfelfe: and as he is more contemptible, fo ) he hath a higher imagination of his owne excdlcncic) yet – that maynot extufe him. Is it too bafe for you? But didyour father or mother commaund ir,'and· refraine you to doe it?· thenyou arc a bafe and proude perfon,that make more ac- . N 3 count