Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

t ~ -- emenl. count ofyour awne willlthenofGods commandement; for fo foone_as the father hlch cominaunded it> being a thing bwfuil, Gods fta.mpe is {et on itJ and 1t carries the pri-nt of Gods commandement: an,! hee that thinkcs himfclfe too good to doe it, thinkes himfelfe too good to obey-God. This will not f'crue .the turne then:It is a contemptible thing in thev\'orld, and men will mockcmeeo-But are you aChri.. fiian, and haue younot learned fo much to deny the world, as to preferre Gods will ,before~he contempt and rcproch ofmen? and were it not better for you that theworld fllouid · fpeake euill ofyouvniufily/or well doing; then that God fuould iuflly plague you for ill doing? An exampl~of this Gen.u. obedience wee haue in Ifoat, who yeeldcd to his fathers commandement fo farre, as to refigne himfeife to be facri– ficed and bound, and laidon the wood and burnt; becaufe his father,being aProphct,had warran~ fo todoe,and could fbew vnto him the commandement ofGod, to prooue it a lawfull thing,which he did, and ic was his dutie toobey. If hce had not fcene Gods ce>mmandcmenr, A/;r(3ham had gone beyond his commifFonJ (for ir had been wilfull mur– thcr) and he ought not to ha-ueobeyed: bt!t when the thing 'Yas lawfuiJ,1[4acwas bound to fuhmit himfelfe, .euenvnto· death. So ChriH was obedient to his father in that, which. .ofall other things,was mofl paincfull 01nd ignominious. For-· \\'hat bunhen more contemptible then the bunhen of our .finnes, and tO bee hanged 011 thecro!fe,mocked, buffeted,: and vpon? ~and what more·painefull,then tovndergoe the curfe and wrathofGod ?yet fith his fa.thcr would-:hauer_, him fufter all this,he would nor {landwith him therein;but willingly fub~itted himfc.lfe thereunto;·fo alfo tohis Jy parents,Luk~ chap.2.verfe 5 I .!fee went to Naz..arcth:dnd Wd& obedient to them. So that, if[he thing belawful.l,tho.ugh . it be athingofno credir_,. and of much paine,yet being the fathers commandement, it is Gods com-mandcment, and thechilde mu!l obey. And by how much the thing ii m0re· bafe andcontemptible, andmore hard and painefull; by fo much hee is a better childc, and fhall haue a greater re~ w.ard. For in. matters that beeeafie_and pleafing, hee dotb many