I 94 Commttntlement. as with.a cord,orrathcr.chaine'd fo,that tiorhingwiiJ ·makea feparanon, but the rod ofcorreCtion; tf-Jat will part them. And he that is not corrected is afoole, and fo is _like Hill to continue. Becauie the it is the far hers dutie,and a tc!Hmonie ofhis loucJan ;t meanes ofthc·childes owme good,hc mull fufler it patiently,a:Jd humbly: and not only fo,but he mull fee that he proftt by it,and makea goodv(eofic. Forelfe he n1akes his father take a great deale ofpaines, and vndergoe anuch gricfe,and all in vaine,and to no purpofe; and fo, not profiting by correction, is guilde ofcontemningGods ordinance. . This fcrut:s to reproue fuch children,as are fowre,and an• grie at theadmonirion, or correCtion oftheir parents. And although they bee fopd and light headed,and haue neither experience nor knowledge; yet they thinke they knowhow to carrie chemfdues well enough,and fcorne to bee admo.. nilbed or told ofa fault. But offuch, that is verified vvhich the Wife man faith,Prou.26.Su/l thou a man 'Wife in ht5 owne l)eJ? tbt:rc is more hepe of afoole then 9{him. And for thefe perfons -that fwel rhus_at an admonition,the beH courfe that can be taken with them ,is, to beateout that pride by G1arpe corre6Hon. For this makes them foaudacious, ,when words are giuenvnto them, becaufe they haue net been foundly and throughly chaHifed with blowes. - The third durie ofchildren is thankfulndfe,and that Cdll· Thankful- 6£leth efpecially in two thi11gs. The firH is in relieuing their -• .nes. parents when they lhall be in waf!t· If the parent be blitiide, thechilde mntl bean eye vnto him; Ifhe be lame, he mull be a Oaffe to vphold him; Ifhe flancl iH need of any thing, the childe mufi (to his power) helpe and fuccour him. And this dude, indeed, the verie law ofnature doth require. For the father hath paied for it before hand, and it is but due debt. For when the chi1de was borne naked into the world, and could not :helpe himfelfe, and was without all frien.ds, andcouldnot fo much as put one morfell ofmeate in'to his ownemouth,nor hang oneragge vpon his ba1:ke, eo keepe him warme, who pitied him? who relieued him?Wereno.t the parenu then in fiead of all limmes v.nto him ?and ha~ . much . .