Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

195 ''.. '... · muchca~e ~feare his fake, before. hecame~.o- this etlate ··. whereinhe is now? And that he enioyedi an-y commodities • ofthis life,or fpirituall comfonor faluation it felfe,haue not - they in fomefort be.en meanes to procure it? as bdng the firH in.l:lruments of his breath and being? Ifhee had neuer by thembe(nbegotten and conceiued,how had hee 'been. capable either ofthe benefits·ofthisHfe,or ofthe hope ofe– ternalllife? and were not this fbam~full ingratitude? were he not worfe then a beaH, if hce "ould not recompence all thefc kindnefles, and pay to due a debt? So the holy Gho!l 'ommands children, x.Timorh.f4· that children and ne- · !hould recompence the kindndfe oftheir parentso . So lofopb dealt with Iaco!J, whei1laco!J was in wanr, and :his fonne had plentie,whcn rhe father fent money to buycorne, · his fonne :wouldnot take it, but gaue hjm corne freely. Ancl whereas fiue yeeresoffamine were behinde)he fent for him, . andhadgteqt care to bringhim thither:~nd hauingbrought , him,was fo carefuH topr0uide for him,and toadminHler to ,him,whatfoeuer he had neede of, as thatlacobdid neucr fare– .hetcer,and with more eafe in all the timeofplentie, then he :did, wh:en that part of chc wor.ld w~s famifhed for want of bread.For,bcfore he muH fend to the marketfor it,and: rhe~re he muHbuy it for his moncy,hu't t~ow that hee wa~come to · !oftph in dearch,he needcs not be at fo great paines and coll. For it is faid, bee did put me~te into h~· mouth,.that is, he \'Vas Gen.47•u,.– as a good renptr hearfed nurfe, to his father and his fathers .. ,hou(e, and is ca refull that nothing -fhould bee lacking t~ · them, as the mother for the childe, that will euen by her breafl to herchil d e~ miJutb. SoRuth )though fhc were bat . Naomit.r dau ohcer in law,yet now that Naomies yeeres and: · b . d fireng th wf'ire f}:) €Lt ~fr;c being young, tooke paines an trauailedrorb.oth ; And when (befides that which me had got– ten with hef' pa1 ne~ and labour)Boa%. being amercifull m_an, gaue her rome viauats,fhe would not deuoure all her felfc; ·· but euen fparecl it fromher owne bellic for her mother: lhe · ·tooke onely fo much as was needfull to refrefh her owne . bodie,& to llrengthenher in.her trauaile; the refl fbe_rcfer– ued for her old mother in law,andkncw·wellt_!lat 1t was better - ·