Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

. . . -797; du~~~ ~heyhaue f.ailc _,and hauenot repented•.And fccand– ly,.~hat as. :~·onc;> of parents brings a ·long_ a:nd ~appie· '1itbpnourmg of parents fhould make them haue a. fhort life and miferJble; or if a- long life, yet full ofGods. ,urfes for their vnrrpcnted finnes. Therefore fit,has bee ·now f~thers~ and finde that their children are Hubbornea– gainH them> and vnrhankfull and rebellious eueryway, let them cali themfeluesback, and fee wh3t children they were before)how thty bchaued themfehses to·their parents)whe- ' ther rheywere not altogether faulrie in this point. If it bee· fo)et them confetiethcir owne Gnnes haue found them out, and are .turned vpon them: let thetn acknowledge·that (iod: is iuG, and hath giuen them their owne meafure into ·tbeir, . bofomes, their owneeuill is fallen vpon their owne heads, they diggcd apit in their youth, and nqw in their age are fallen into ic. And thus much of the duties Gf children• . Now followe the duJies ofparents to t.heir children. Forj as God would h~ueinferiours to giue honour, fo hee corn:..;· rna11derh fup e ri~u r s to carrie themfelu~s in that manner, that they may deferue hoi.~QUr; and d~th bind~ . them as: Jlreightly to gou<:rne righteouOy, as the inferiours to' obey ~:~f~~,. faithfully. Now the duties ofparents to thei·r children, are i ·' · . h- ·. . h ·. C".Tcnder'7 etres~· C_ ~ommon. t.o both••. ..~ •. -:· Clt er 1U t etr J . . . . . 1 . . . . · · r 2. Rt per age . . Speetall•. - . ·, . Thepa.rents ioynt an{i common dude~ to t~e children:, in ,.'~ thdr tender yecres and childhood, is, Fidl to infirua thern in rdigion,to ft: afon thcmyvith thewords. o(pieti~, by little and rirtle to drop in th:e ground-s pfholinces.i!ltm them, euen fo {o'on as they ate ah!e eo fpeake,& haue the Ieafl: vfe ofvn-. dedhnding. SQProu~2 ~ .6. Teacha cbi!.de intht.'tr~tdc,.~_of hu Childre!'' ~: J outiJ,4nd /;ewill rerpeberit.a~'ur.-rard.Whe1e the holy<lho{l,· •.n·:· , , 'J' rlll..tC lii··Y exhordng.m.t~J1 ti~~t~.~tb their youngchildren_,mceteth \'Vith religioa . an obiettiQh~_ ~A~~itl}ight ~ne fay, teac~ fuch f'ittle ones? beumc. what g9od ~v Hl 't)pt d<?c,?·we fi1aH but lofe our labour, for they cannot-.vnderfland it, nor conceiue the meaninu of . thefe things. TheholyGholhlnfwcreth,be it,that they ~an.:. . ~ot vnderHand ~he fenfe, for the time prefcnt; yet teach them the.wQrds,and .tearm,es .ofg9odnes: and though,while : t • , they;~