Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

.J·9 • they contiAuechildren, perhaps, it feeme·s frnitlelfe thing~ yet you !hall fee afterward it will not be in vaine. For the cropofthis feed that was fowne in their childhood,wiliap .. - peare when they come to age{though for a time it be hid.. den)and then they will remember che-fe things, and that to ~ood vfe: which it fecmed they got no good bywhen they were fo young and vveakc in vnderHanding. Therefore Jet · them haue the words taught them, when they are able to hcare and fpeake words: and afterward,when they come to more difcretion,thcy will conceiue and remember the fenfe.• And this dutie theholyGhotl con1mandeth, Eph.6.4.N11rfo . . them vp in inflruElirmandthefeare 'Jfthe Lord. And this Tlmothie.rmother did put in pracHfe.For,it is noted ofher,that 2.'I'im.3,1~. fhe in!lrueted Timothie in the Scriptures from a 'child~, and that was a caufe, why he was fo holy a man: fhc was aNurfe te his fou,Je,as well as to his bodie, and g,aue him milkeout ofthe breaHs ofthe Scripture (o foone as he had done fuck– ing her owne breafls.' So.thar, ~5 he waxed innaturall life,fo alfo did he grow in knowledgeand grace: and there· fore he became fo excellent a man,and fo worthie a preacher and member ofthe Church,becaufe his mother fed his foule as well as his bodie~ s Childr(n muftbee corrected. The fecond dudeofparen_u to (hildren in their younger yeeres, is to giue them (orreaion: whic'tt the holyGholl commandeth.often in the Scriptures, and lheweth thefruite ofit. As Pr~u.23·13.Withholdnot correflion fromthychilde: thou foalt [mite him with the rtJddt, and fhalt dflittcr hisfoult from hell. so·atfo Prou.29.17.CorreEl thy {oNne, a~dhcewiO · giut thee reft,tindhewillgiuepleaforts to th.lfoule.Andagaine; '2 2. I 5· FoolijhntJ ullot~ndto tht heart ofthecbi/J.:, !Jut the rod ofcorreElion will driue it away. Andchap.I3·24· He that[pa– r~ reeht-be rod,httti!th_ hiJfoi!Jnt,&.All which tellimGnies tend to · 1 ~ · this;Thar,ifwe (ielireour ownepeace,& not to bemolellcd nor vexed,but.m-uch comfortedbyrhctn; ifwewould cefli– fie our faith full loue to them;ifwe would purge their he~rts from folly and fin,and pt!'feruc their foules from euerla~mgperdition: . hen let vs be catefu11 to giue thc.duecorre6ho~; which is Gods blefledordinance, to reforme and faue their . - fuuk~