. c ' . 1'. 199 (oules; ~:s tbe \\Tord and Sacr~ments are w- men of riper: yecrcs.But,inchaHifing,thefe-rules muH be obfcruc,.f. . · · ~-' firftll't it be feafonable, anddone in.time; pa!fe ir not o-· tier too long. So Sal911trJ~ f.1ith, ProU.tJ. z4.Jfe thAt louctb him,ttJrrefferhhimhttim~,and doth ·not omit it,till it bee too Rt•te~ of lace, but t-akr.th the fi_ttefl opportunitie, when bemay (with ::e":!!~ .. mo'leafe an:d fcwe_Hflripes) doe moHgood. For indecde,a ~mall cwigge~and a few blowes,vd1en he is yet a childe, and noc hardened ill fin ne-,will doe more good, then m3ny rods, anaabundance 9ffiripes afterwards~ifthis feafonbe let flir; fgr.ifthcchi,dbenotm~Rred \\I hen he is yong, he will ma~ ficr his pat·ents when he growethelder. Therefore let them not get ahead: for.ifthty doe, they will prooue like wilde colts, that haui11g runne longvnbroken, and once cafl the.- rider,andbeingmarred in the beginning,will fooner be killed thenbroken,or brought intoanygoodorder 3g~inc. Secondly,. it mufl bedone ingreat compaffion and mera cie: not in bitternefic to cafe ones felfe with the paine ofthe childe,for that is rage and cruel tie. For in truth, comrnon1y there isgood caufe why the father _ihould be as much grie.. ued,orrafhcr more,then thechild, becaufe for the moH part; _ hedothbut correct his owne finnes in his fonne. For, if the · child be curfl and froward)is it not -becaufe hehath fecne the· parents arawling -and contentious? lfhe lie, bathnot his f~ ther giuen him a paterne ofdHfemblingf. and if he fwcare being yong,are not oathes too rife in the f~1nilie among el·~- - _ derfolkes? Ifhe raite.and fpeake cuill, was- not his parent~dcaling a prdident eo him?Lig,htly thet~ be but few ilrhu– mours in the child,\\•hichhe did not draw from the parents:.; ·· and that ill fap that doth appcare in thepud,came fifll from. th~ roote. Therefore, in pinr, a-s frniti1-1g themf·d~es & their: owne fim~;they mufl giu'e challifementsto their children. Thirdly',-i~ !nufl.be' dqn;c with pra:yer-~that God woul'dgiue L Jt: 'thtm~i~ n~arts;t~1g;ub n~o~ d~c?a:ndfeafonablecorre~iO; and their ch,rdreH alfo foft naf.tr;iO teceiue it withpatience, .and .to their profit. Be it thai the·childedoe welLdcferue it~ . yet toHie ypou him in a p~~on, bew·raieth more then a · ·~e.afi..like iffeClion:foraO:ieepwill not tufil V£Onher lam~e ,.,, - >) Hli1