Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

'2-.00: . / ~n futie, nor the Cowvpon her calfe. And indeede thisdodi but harden thechildes heart, a11d imbitter him,makiflghilli\ mote Aubbor~e and fi~rc:· Therefor~, that corrcetion may baueGods blelftngvpon tt, & thechi-ld, .~nd ~omfort tofh~ p.are.gts,it m~:~G b~_ donewithprayer,and. . fl;al~ ~~ ;dpPFa!f<? wit!), g~~f;t-:~~lmenes and me·eknes,. • 1 I and~~tho~~~ mt~\~\l~e PLwraJh. ;t~! ~~_ffi6:n ,· Far, ifwecannoc ~o~k for~ Alt$1Jg ;vpp,~~eW:C?rd !\t}dS.a.cramentswid1ouc prayer, much le:if~ tpaY. 911elop.k~ for ,any go.od fuccetTe by . therodd~,vntdfehe as~c it;o_f9o.d: ,p~t,bcin.g ioynedwitli prayer~becaufe · it is '~<?d~. ordi~~n:<;~~9~d. w:ilLpl!ofperit•.:· Thus much bfthecornmon .c,lutie}~ W.h:i~h botlhtheparrnts fbould ioyntly performe -~o th~i(cl)ild~eh :ih.their,tendel! Nurfing. yeercs.• .Now follow~th the fpeciaU dutte of.the mother~ which is to nurfe v.p her cwne childe, ifG9D bathgiucn ·herabilitie thereunto. Not to throw it from her fo foone as · ·ibe:hath ~brought it into the :wo~ld; but, ~~(~o~ h.ath.giucn- . her"not .oneb' tbewombe_ to beare, bu~alfq t.he brea!ls and milke to noudlh .h~r,childe: fo, let her he Jh~n:kfull ro ·God for thefebldftngsJ ~ild -vfe thenl to that end that hee .gaue them. And this isfo -naturall a thi11g,.that eu.en the be~Hs will not omit it :: for~oth the flrong~fi andweakefl,thewil:– dcfi and tamen,will giue .to theiryoung <;>nes,ahd' no~ to be fo .vnn3turaU) as to pofle them ouer to ~thers: And it is fet downe, Hofo4h9·1-f. that drie breafls are a iudgemcnt ofGod,as vyell as a barren wornbe: and therfore it is afoule faulr, when God hath giuen a goorl bJeffing, wilfully to turne it intoacurfe. And this is notedofthegood women ·. in 'the Scriptures, That they anuch ·rcioyced. t0 nurfe their ~ .owne-.children. As Sarah faith,that now fhe 'lhall giue fu~~e · n.;t. 7 • .inher·old which was a thing that much gladdcd ...her :heart_ •.Now if~Ar~h inher old ag~, being ninetie yeeres old, .and alfo haui~g a~ exceediug great fam~JieJyingvponher, would nox.omit thi~dutie.; what a ihameis it then f9r thofe, that are ·y~ung,and;hauemuc~ ~oreJdfure, an~ befa:rr~ in– f-eriour .to hc:r:in.efl,ate, t~ .nice,and idle,~$ to d.cpri~ .thcir·o·wn~ ~hildc of ~hat n1oA_i1aturall foode, which God· :and q~t_t~f~~~.a:d,p~ep!;~~; for le·?.P-arents.W9'!ld bce.Jp_a~h. t~ · comnuc