. 20l commit their money: and euidonces .to·eueryordinary'" per– fon :·y.et for the f~uite ~f thei.r bodie, which is,and ought to be eHeemed thcu~ chtefetl nches, they are ,venturous, and -care not whom 'they trull ;~ whereas there is not fuch danger -in,the Ioffe ofthe ,wealth,though it lhould mifcarrie, as is in the fpoylingofthechild,b6th.for foule and bodie, if it bee not carefully looked vnto. But theyobietl,,that they can Obiea~-hauc themnurfed better cheape a~road th~n at hame. But loue feekcth not it owne things, but the good ofthe panie :ttnf•·– beloued. If the htssband tbould vfe the like dealing to his wife, to thruil her out of his.doores when fhe is weake, and pl~ceher in fome poore ~ottage, and tell her that hee co~ld -boardher better cheapc 10 another mans houfe, tben keepe her inhisowne: lbe would thinke this to beabad reafon 3'– gainA her, which fl1e theught fuffident againA her owne .child. And Jbe! might iufily fay,in this caf~,that her husband :loued his wealth better then his wife :and fo may it a' truly befaid·offuch mothers, -that they refpeel their lucre more then their children. They alleage furrher,that, being nurced obiell~ by them,ic.vvouldhinder,their Oeepe in the night.-Why then ./ln{w. Jltouldyou pu~ it: t,o others-,. to breake their fleepe? Ought yaunot taJoue -your neighb-our .a-s your fdfe? ,Arey.oufo impatient-to•heahftheitroublcs'ofit, t~at ought fo tenderly, tO loue.it rand td~ f0U thinke that they ·will not grudge at· it,that haue no fuch caufe to affe& ic? and doe oncly. enter• uitie.kit1hopeofchehire,andnot for loue ofthe c;hild? Rut they fay further,.that it hindreth·. them from their libertie.,-ohie11~-and keepcth them.fr>Ommany iournies, which might much de.lightthem.But that gratious and worthie womanHt~nna, An[YP. 2$ appeareth 1 .Sam.I .1.2. would rather fotbeare her going · to theTcmple,then omit the nurfingofherchilde;orwcane him,before it were meete: and.yet that ioutney to the·houfe ofGod;was{ofall other) moH profitablc,conifonable ·and neceffarie. . .. ' u; Thofe women therfore that hauefailec:Hn this dude,mufl · llehumbled for ic,ashauing omitted a:good worke ,and fer– uicc th·at God requireth at their hands: and thofe that haue. done ir,n;ufi.doe.it fiill. For ip.thePrimitiue Church,whet'l – vvidowes :,