Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

IOl Commt~ndement. , widowc~ were to bee chofcn" th~t lhould haue th'eficke and weakc committed to their charge and· tending, none were tQpe admitted to that offiae,bot thofe rhat hadnurfed their owne children thcmlelues : though they were otherwife · good women and vertuous; yet ifthey had not binfomer· cifull totheir children,there was a fufpition left, that ifthey were vnnatur.all to thofe that werefoneere the, they would be negligent to thofe that were further offthem: and there– fore they were not eo be tru~led with that office. So.much for lhe dH~ies which parents mull performe to their chil-– dren· in their tender yeeres: novv thofe followwhich.they mull'doe to them when theygrow to riper age. .· chUdrc~~,~ And thefe are, firH, to bring then1 vp in fomeprofitable ~~!~~P and lawfull calling, ~y which they may liue hondUy and in tome Chritlianly, and not to bee fruitleffe burthtns ofthe earth, , ~~t~llc al· d _ogs to their friends, and drones, that q1ullliue on other - • · mens fwfat,and can doe nothing themfdues. SoAdamdid: thoughhee had large polfeffions tQ leaue to his fonncs (for they had th~ wholeworld to be diuidFd among them,which was patdmonie fufFder{r) yet he wouldnot let his f~ns Hue fdtdy,an-dfpend their tiMevainly,as hauingnothing to do; but brought vp the one in husbandrie, and the other inkee ... ping fbeep-e: both profitable an~ lawfull vocations. The like is feen in I foac, who wasa great man,andoffuGhwealth and po~e~, that A6imelecb the King confdfed hewas greater and msghticr then hee. Notwithllanoing all this great· nes,lt~co!Js bringing vp was not in idlencfleand floth, but he was exerclfed .in husbandrie,and had very good skill in or;. dering ofcattell. And had it not been for this)whatwould hee haue done then when pcrf~cution came, when hee was forced to lcaue·his fathers houfe? If bee haq do::Je nothing before, nor could haue done any thing now~but e~ne, and drinke,and Oeepe ;..who wouldhaue giuen him entercaine.. ment~andwhere fhould hee haue had maintenance on that price?But,hauing been ,.t.raiQed vp laborioufly, and bring a verygood lhepheard.f tbough he was gone from his fatht.r, yet hee could takepaines , ana get his liuing fo, that euerte onewouldhe wtJHng to hauc h~ d him, an J the pla ce~.,·here - he