• quaintancewith Go and good men ::where, ,if the·y baue cbildren,what feed canbelookeed for but an accurfed feed that will .fill the woi'ld with fioners, .and ouerlay .the card~ with ·Apo·fiataes?asitisfaidofthem. in the old wQrld~ that when the fonnes ofGod began to match with -the.daugb.. tcrs ofmen,and to make thefe llrange mariages~then- there w~r.e ApoHataes borne; fuch Atheifl(as neither..cared for God nor religion, but onIyfought to fcrueand·fet-vp them. felues. . 1 ~~~~lay • The thir~dutie ofpar_ents to their children ofriperyee~es, vpfome· Js to p~outde for them. 1.Cor.t1..14. They ,mull behaue ·. t~i~g· ti , themfelues fo diligently in their calling,. and ·fo wifely in dr:~w' · tbe difpoflng of th~ir goods and expenfes; .as that they: maybee able to lay.vp fomethingfor their children. But in th1s layingvp ofgoods for them, obferue alway thefe rules, both for the getting, and for the vllag, ·and for the dif~ pofingofthcm.:Firfl for the gettin-g, letthe.mnot be gottcn– by ill meanes, by fraudor cruelty,bycraft and deceitful dea– ling: dfe they be richesofi~iquitie, and then.it is-moft cer– taine thattht:y lhallneuer profper. Prou.to.z. For no man. c;anpoffibfy fet vp bimfclfe or his feede,by finning again(\ God•.Ahahdidnot benefit himfelfe when he got NahtJtlu. -vineyardvniuflly,nay,this',was both his and theirruinc.And– .AchAn thought,thar,whcn hehad· gOtten fuch .afaire wedge. ofgold,and fuch good apparell; he thould liuc like aman, and makehimfelfe, ~ndbis childre11, for cuer: but;-in truth! . this confumedal,andbrought him and them,and the.whole family:to a fearefullcrid; for the.fcede ,pfthewicked'fiul be · PraLJ?·· rootedour. B:cqueathnot thenHJ.-got.tcngoods toyour'po– fieritie, leil yoti ·bequeath the curfe. ()f God withall.: and that will burne vp and confume all~ As wee may fee before ou·reyes:CJaily,aAdeip~ri'ence mayfpealdo ,thit.<"afe; Mar~e ·our ~nclofers,fuch ·as ·begin to ioynehoufeto houfe,and land: to land(indeed bgufe to houfe they .doe: not lotig, for ·_they ··pull dowr\e n1oH houfes that co-tn~ into-: tbl!ir hands,) when they begin to .w1people the c.ountrie·sJ ·~~ld fceke to -tiwcl a~ lone i'n theJand;isJt' notcomtnonly to the r,uine and·do,wp- " i f.lll oftheit family; that it ~euer llg~dic boldcs Olil ;jfier d:,