Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

tl)e third gtneration? And none doe to a more feare– full and fuddcn oucrthrow, then, they that {eckc ito ·inrich . themfdues, by this cr~eltic and oppreffion ofothers. Ther- .fore eitherlet irbe well gotten,orit will doe them no g9od: for itcarriethwith it the plague ofGod, which wil do tnoro hurt then all the wealth can do:good. · · . · sJcon~ly,for the vfing, whileonehath it, vfe ·i~ well; bee . not a{hue arid a drudge for thy children, but let euerie one ~ · enioyhis part and take his portion whil(: he liuethJ and re– ioyce inGo·dsbenefits with thankfulnes and fobriede. Por it is a foule fault, tha~, becaufe men haue many children, therefore they will carke and care, and depriue themfdoes ofall ncedfu'H comforts ofthis life: whereas ill truth childr·en arean inhertancc,and bl~ffing, andnot a burden tohis familic. AndGodfaith:;Pfalm.37·2.6. that .AgoiJdman it merc_ifulland lendcth,II1Uihu fttdcenio_yttbthch!1fing. Heeis mercifuil,firft tohi·mfelfe: for ·mer-cy beginneth at home; he will noibeafraide·ro takea,good meale,and tnioyGorls bleffings becaufeofhis children_;but is mercifull in an ho- . neR ch(rilhingofhis owne bodico: and thenhe is mercifull to others alfo abroad,he willlend and doe good 'to whom bee can : anddoingfo,th(nhis feede enioyeth the blcffing, they fare -the better for it. :For indcede thofe children arc alway bell prouided·for, whofe p~renrs beare this minde·; that they had rather trufi God, then riches with their chil- . -dren;-andmake this tbdr hope; whenweare dead,y~t God isaliue. Ind-cede ifGod were dead, or ihoul.d not looke to ourchil.dren, though wee were liuing, yet wee illight bee affr·aide, and· thinke they·:lhould bee·vndone : but (o long asGod liueth, vfe thegood meanes we can,andhe wil pro– uidc for the cbildren ·ofhisfer.uants. ;Therefore,one lhould a-either withhold him(elfe from anywotkcs ofmcrcie, .nor niggardly and Finchingly reflraine himfdfe ofany necef– farie thi!lg; yea ariy comfortable delight,.for hischildrens ~k~ ' • . . LaGiy, for.·diipoling, let this be the·firft 2ndmaine rule,i.~ :J , That tht>febe'.vfedbell ,whicbarebcfl, 2nd thofehauemoft J ~ goods giuen.them, thcir;harts.So lA-- \ ;: . . 0; ~