Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

• cobhad the-blcffing,though £flu~was the firR borne,and /I). foph nad tbt:.d.ouble portion, though he W3i the youngefi, but one oftbe twelue: for grace tnaketh the younger to bee the e~dcr,and fione maketh the ('lder,the younger; i herefore he was indeede the right heire. For euery one ofthe former tenne had ll~inep thcqifelues with fome grolfe finne which did put th~m out,and therefore they were iufily difinheri– ted•. Sa Salomon was not Dauids eldell fonne, but he was the fonne ofhis age :yet he fuccceded him in hiskingdome, becaufe there was great hope, that he would be more profi– table to the Church andCommonwealth,.~hen any ofthe d;. der : grace then muG haue the firG place, venue mull mak~ the hcire. Secondly, the oth,er alfo muAhaue their por.tion) proportionablie: not one all, and all the refl neuc:r awhit, as is the common practife~ that the eldefl muH goe away with the whole, and the younger .haue almo{l nothing, as. though he onely \Verealawfull child,artd·the reA not legid- . mate: and hence groweth much hurt,; and much heart-bur– ning,and emulation among brethren. NowGod faith,that parellts'tnuft Jayvp for their children:~no~'for one child one- . ly. And· others likewife offend in~ the difpofing of their . lands) _that ifthey haue noheiremale, .bu,t all daughters, the. ~~Ji~r:~t he.ritage mu(l be put away from them, and giuen to fome. o~ ~e difinh~· ther: becaufe of the names. fak~,that the name might conti• · ruccL. nue. ·But how knowyou that bee fhall c.on~inue to kcepe vp your name? Or how kn0wyou that he: may not liue fo, as– that ne lball be=- blot to .your name, and tb .your fdfe,rather then acredit ?Why then lhould 'One, fot afoolHh regard of Ra~e,breakebothGods law,and the law ofnature too? For, Godhach . appoint~d, Numb.27. that ifthere be no fonne, the landandheritage lhall bee.ditiided antong the daugb. ccrs. And thus &nuch for the duties both ,: ofparents and children. . .· · · ··· .. Dutie ~ Nowfollow thc.dutiesofferuants and M~Aers-. FirA,fef".– (el·uanrs. uants ought to reuc:rcnce their Gouernours; and.that both inwardly,and oucwardly. ·The inward is commaurided, in; Ephcf. 6.,~ . SlrHitnts /Je ·obedient·with.fe4rt and trem/Jling., 1 J.Pet.'l~l&.Bifobitft. to1.~r ·M11JitrJ 'Wir#,J ft4rt.liaTim.6.L. · . ·,- Ltt·