Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

' I ~ • LetforHt#!f'l cottn!.theirt..JJ:I.affers ,worthie of~tll honoNr. So thac.lir is not enough for a fcruant to performc-:al! outward feruices r.equit,ed ~~ P iJ.,hand, vn:Icflehe begin with the fir~. dutie, To haue his Maflcr in an high account, and t<? carrie , a. reuerent e£Hmation ofhitl}.in ~1is J1ea~t. _Pa11i in that place fpeakech to ~hrilli~n f~r;J a!_lts,,wh i~h .~a~ J_nfide_ll .an.dvplie-:- ·· leeuing Ma· yet he~e wouldhaue themcoun_t fuch wer– -thie of aH hohQur, n0tthat their infi~eJi~ie did fe.r ue to ~ee honotued, bu~ becaufe they carrried on, them the authoritie · ~fGod, Hand_ir1g in Chrifls plac~, as,his vicegcre~us i~.. tp_e, familie. Beca~fe ~fGodsordi~, and :his. coll1~ tn andement b id voon the feruarlts, hee mu!l reuerence ' ~ ... . ' ~ l Ma.A_er though an infidell. So chat, euery ChriHian_mu_q make this firmeconclufion wit.hhimfelfe; This i~ ~he Mafier andgouernour that, G~d ba~h appointed ou~~ ~e,- aod. th~t. tl~nqs in Gods rootne vnto,:·therefor.~ in ·regard ofi}l~s place,~~d-tae chargeJaid on"meeby,God, I wi)J highlya~d . reuerendy elleeme of him. Secondly, this reuerence mutt appeare in the outward behauiour and carriage of the ;b<?– die: dfe,topretend feare in theheart,and to !hewcontemp~ in the b_eha~iou~, is not~i~gbqt hypocrH1e; ~n;~ .falfekqqdc. Therefo~e the, invv~ard actouut mufl a}-1p,.ea'~e· in our ~w.orq~s and dcedes. As~firll,jq not anfwerihg ,.ag~in~·tif~hcy bee reprooued for any thingdone amHfe, ~hey mu fi not haue,a gaine-fayjng,proude.~ap~ -xpdutifl!llJpitjt;· bu.t-j~ ; all gogd fpeeche$,~nd fu~fl.lHiiu~ ~arriage, ~~anife!l {~~ir_ inwar-Q,rc.- uercn.ce. ., , . . . . ~ · ,, · • ' - ._I J "A ._· -' } .._ But,contrary to this, is the vnreucrcnt beh~uipu,r of~o{\ feruallts efpedally to poore menJfthe mafter be poore,{)nd meane,and,offm~llaccount h1 theWc;>rld, thefer'-'-ano take t'hemfdues fo~ his c_ompat~ions , opt _as inferjoui:$~ ; th~y, thinke themfdues not bound to fhew:.anydutie of fubic61:i.. qn vnto hhn,in lland' ng bare,inbpwingto l1iro, : ~uvl:.rHing vp before him: whereas indcede, the poorc man!S fel'uant, is bound dutifull to him, as ifhe were full of riches; for Gods commaund ment rcfpcCl:eth npt~ wealth,a:t:td-thc ouc·ward things,but on lyhis e>wneordinance. -Indecd'f i( tichnl:tfi('fS didcarde the perfon of God vpon them.j ;nd , Q 3 the