·to TheP.refaci. 'Ruf.t. them all and~uery one~Fidl,becaufehee that 'is the author 2 ofone,is theauthor alfo 6f·all rhe·rell; and-he that hath pro.. mifcd a rcwardfor keepingone~hath promifed·a rewar-d ah. fo forkeeping all-: and he that thrcatnetn· to punitl1 the of– , fettdcr,doth 'not fay., ifthou,breake this, ort·hat, thou (halt· ~·3· 106 be curfed:-but-hethat continueth not .in all ·without excep... .a;-t tion,is accurfed; and liuing) anu all-owing himfeife in the breachofanyone, fhall be fure to beare the wrathof God, as guiltyofall.· For,hee that .doth -many go:.>d things, and yet .alloweth himfelfc tob~e difobedient but in atty one thing,llands in d.anger .to rc:uoh~Ghdnually,and to become, Mark ,,so .a wictkcd and openperfe<:uter. As thiswas 1Jcrt~d.rcafe;hee did many things according to lt1hn.r preaching, and did heare himgladly,and for other command~ments was rea.. {onablewilling to bee ruled; butforthe feauenth hee mull necdes haue a difpenfa.don·, and hec kept this refoJution 1 that let all the Preachers indie .world fay what they would,, he,ewould not bee ·brought .. to leaue his ·i'ncefl, nor to part withhis brotherswife. Thenfore we fee how-foonehe feU :· tohreak,firfl,the third·commaundtment,in fwearing to that light and ·wanton woman, to giue her ·whatfoeuer thee lliould aske,and then alfo he grew to perfecute John, and· cut off his head: {o taking liberty -to himfelfe tobreake the feucnth commaundement,he cafl ofall care and regard : uac.1,.u. ofthereG. So theyong man in the·Gofpell, ·hee thought himfelfe in a geodforwardnes tO· heauen, -and indcedehce· had donemany things, :andmanygood parts were in him, · {o that Chrill himfelfe didloue hitn: but when ·OriH bad told him,that one thing was lacking, and that bee muG fell all that he had,and ifhe did fo,he Chould be noloof~r(for he lhould haue an inheritance (but then hee muAknowwhere. h1s inhetitance lhould lie, and,whence he mufllooke fo.r his rcu.enew.es:,namely fromheauen)thenhe'loo'ked fadly, and went his way•.He could haiJe been content to haue had that iaheritance, tbatChrifl fpake ef, fo ,that bee might k~-;p~ :':' .. his earthly po~effions too:butifthequelHonwere,whe~~~'-: he would take heauen,or earth, he chofe.rather to leaul.ll~j~ ' .. uen,then to p,art with earth. 59that he that liucthwiui.~.ili · . ' . ·aroi ·