,-m,m~waem~~nt. the pooret~e perfonofau AngeU,orfome meanercreature, then itwerefomething: bun their commiffionbathall one feale,and the authoride in both is the fdfc fame; and he that will.- reuerence a rich ·ma!ler-, and.- not a p·oore,iliew– cth himfdfe to. bee led by fomc carnall rcfped,. and no~ byGods comman:cJement. Tnerefcre, ifferuants reuerence their Ma£ters, they muLl not giue them froward fpeeches,' but eucn out'wardly· lhew their inward ac.count : and the· , ~ore bafe their Matters bee in the World, the greater re– watd theyfhallhaue from.God, and they· fl.leW the more gr*ce aild truth tobe in their he~·rts. For to reuerence a rich ntari, chat will not beare contempt, but will take him doV'me and cru~ him, this the verief.l hypocrite may doe, euen for hisowne peace: hut here is fincerity, hereJs truth ofl1eart and'v.prFghtneq'e; lf, when the Mafler is poore,~nd mean~,, aho!of1i6 reckoning in the World, then the feru~nt can rcc– kohhim.wor.thy ofhonour, at1d fertic hitnwith~ reuerence, arid:yeeld to his authoritie, .andgiue him full allowance in all goodcarriage,howeuer others do debafeand contemne ~. hiin. · };. fecondltJ:~ing outward;'wherein feruants .mull lhewtheir reuerence to their'MaHers, is, hauin~ a c~re of'their name, and not bla~ing· abroad their infirmiti~s. For this is a fault ofmany feru~nts,th.at, beinghired .to doe faithful! feruice, corneas fpi~S.it1to ~pe;noufe, tobewray the infirmitiesofthe family: ·and ift·hey cah.find afa~ulc-)ot wea·kendfe in their go– uernours, then out it tnu!l to t,he .difgradng anddefacin.g oftheMaHe~; and to bringan euill report vpo·nhim. Thts proueth, that there is not thai due 'accoun.t and e(Umati– on :forit:prbeeedeth froinadifloyaU, and vnfaithfull heart, ·to fpeake.itlofl1~s gouern~urs. But;as :retierc~1ce muH breed a lowly,gdlure, and· goodwords 'tO the Mafler;..·fo it mu~ alfo bring-for.th good fpeeches ofthe Mafier, and a con– cealemcnt (fomuch as maybe) of his wanu. And hauing thefefruits,rbei.rreuerence·:is proued to be,true.,and vprighr; -not. counterfeir,or~ diffcmblcd·. ' · · · Thefecond.duty offeruants is, to obey thegouernaursof the family•.So the lwlyGhoflfaith; .Col.3·2Z• Serntmtso!?ry . - Jffl~.