Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

vnde.r the table,they be men ofproofeforfuch matters: but ifit be to doe any thing ofgood _fei·uice to the family, that the rnafter.tbould bee the bett~r for, here theycan doe no– ··thing. Thefe bevnfaithfuU: for theydo not cate'thdr owne· bread, they liue theeuifhly ,for they Hue out ofa calHng,and . therefore haue no warrant from God to vfe a.ny ofhis crea- . . tures• .' ~ A fourth duty in feruants,is, t<:» ferue God in their calling. Seruants For,admit that one doe all t~e former; that he reuerence his mu!l,f~rua M. {l . h' h .J • h' '11 d {} . God ll'l . a ler m · ts ·earr, anu neuer gJUe tm an 1 wor ,,or · 1ew theirc:a!,. a froward geflure,neuer difobeyhim,nor·hevnfaithfull, nor lin~ idle -i but-{o carefu!l,that he would not- robbe his maller of the leafi matter, in greatdlt1eceffitie: yet all this will afford no comforc, vnldfe one h.aue done it for confcience, andhaue ferued God it1ir. This is the maine dude; and pillar of the reH, Thac one doe it, notprincipallybecaufe his maHer commands, but becaufe God commands~ not becau(c his. Matlers eye1s-vpon him, but'btcaufe 'G-ods pure eyes be... holdhim,eicherto punil11him~ifHe: d?eriothisdutieror to· ~ reward him,ifhe doe it faithfully. This is the chiefe pointJ at which feruants inull ayme: as is ·'c·omma11ded Ephef. 6.);~ /1:1jinglenejfoofyr'ur. heart~;'at! vnto CHrijf.:And there_is greac re3fon why theym·uHthietely~ feekt t6 pleafe God, .and not inan. Por if they ferue God it1 rheir labours, ·th-ey.will be as. diligent in t·heir ·maf1ers abfe·nce; as ·prefei1ce :·ocherwife· their obedience can neuer bee conflant, but wiH bee by fitsand f.lans,and ~apg <?.nely on the maHer11eye. . · c-. Secondly·, ifwe,ferue not God,thcn wee a,rc flraight dif.; . couraged ar vnki!ldneffc, and breake out into thefe, or fuch– other paffionate fpeeches: here is no reward of my painesl). no refpect had of~y labour. Indeed if we ferue our maHer– enely,w~e tn~y truly fay fo ,ofr times: bt~t ifwe ferue God, . iand .d6 it inobedi~nc:e to Gotl, hee cannot at :1ny time (ay,.. liere is'no cohfideration had of my diligence; , it were impi• o·1:1.s to fay fo,and to~ake G.od a lyar and vnfaichfull. But; there is fufficient confideration and rewardwhen one (erues> qo~: for then, if ~is-m-alter doe not tecompence him,lhce: (w~oni. hlf: ferueth).wilt.:As the~-xamp1c ~flacoh fficweth,\le- . · frw~