fcrued acouetous ma 'one that made no confcience or ,hispromife (~s is the manerof a couetous man,not to care what promife hec breaketh toapooreman) yet lacol! made .confcience of his dutie, and e:11dured his couetoufndfe for .twentie yeeres fpace,and ferued him with all his mighr, fo . . that hewaspinched byheat in theday,bycold in the night, andhis fl eepe departed from his eyes, a~d ifeuer an~ thi,ng were fpoyled by wilde beafis_, he made It good. Lnlian all t_his whiledid nothing but feeke to eate htm, and to rautri all from him that hee could. Then Godcommeth>~md ceC. ·leth him,that thoughLu~nwas thus churlifi1,yet he lhould haue wages enough; and becaufe her ferued God, Gqd would payhim, though manfailed: and fa h ~ e did,and tha:t .throughly and fuUy. Fol· by Gods owne hand and prqui":'~- \ .dence, tnoll of,.,allansbefl cattcll were tun1ed to ]llcfJ/1, and , .fo-hee grew farre 1nore wcalthie, and had a larger recompence then euc:r hee looked for. So that, if in this cafe one ferue twonu.flers, he !baUcommonly hauedoublewages. For Godwill endine the heart ofhis maHer to fauour him·, when he is faithfull, and himfelfe alfo wi.l fitlly rewardhim with abundant blcffings in his foul\, and bodic,na e,and pofleritie after him. For no~an euer fe tuedG oi.aiu acal– ling,but he may 3S well pray for Gods bldllng\'and as fiJ rc– ly lookc for it, bee the worke ncuer fo n1eane and ba fe that hee go~th about, as the MinHler may, whenhee preachrth,. prayeth,adtn'iniHreth the Sacraments, or doth anywo1:keof his callmg. · Seruants The laft dutie of feruants is topray for their gouernours, {o~~h~? and for dire6Hon and good fuccelfe in their butinefle. As, when .eAIJraham trutfed his fcruant with a great matter, namely to fecch a wife for his fom~e, he feekes byprayeno ·Bod todire&him, and to giue him a good p~oceedingand euent; and whereGodhad bldfedhim,he giucth thanks tG Godaccordingly. As he would nor trufi his owne firength, but callefh to God for affiHance, fo hauing obtained affi.. fbnce,hegiuethGod the praife and thankes, as thoQgh the - .benefithadbeenv\·hollyforhimfclfe. · . · This.confuteth tpofc~thlt neuer prayGod either to b~hO:c _ t ea