their gouernours, or to fe.adgood fucceife to theirowne la• bours. And hence it iufUy comes to paffe,thattheywant – many good things from their m'allers, which they might haue,becaufe theyperforme not all the duties ofa good fer– uant,in that they call not vponGod for their Maflcr. And thofe arealfo to be reprooued,thatwill bee ddirous to bee employed in their maHers affaires, and to haue buf.incffes.-. cornmincd to them; but they are fo prefumptuous in acar-– n,aUconfidenceof their owne abilitie, that they.runne boi- – flerou£1yand rudelyvpon matters, not intreating the helpe , . ofthe great God,in ~hingsof great moment; and then it is iufl that God fb.ould croffe .thems,becaufe thcy·take a ·courfe that heneuer fanClified: and ifthey.wiHnotaskeableffing, . is not it righteous t:hat he fhould tur:11e theirwit into follie? •~nd (though they-goe about it prudently) croffe,and ouer– turne al their policy,becaufe they trufl. more i_npolicie, then ·· in his blef11ng? The feruanttherefore muH: craucGods affi– fiance, that hce may vfe m:eanes,..after a good manner, and : _ withgood fuccefle. ·, · · And another vfe here is·tobee made. 'lf thofe,which haue · _been feruants, but now are not. This is ·their dutie to goc back,and fee wherein they haue fail~d in agy;c;>fthef~things,. . and for that Gods hands, and crai.tepardon; dfe they lhall be liable to thefe two cuils: Fi~G,·that God. may iuf.Uy plague them now for theirformer_£1n~1es: and fe– ~ondly, that as they faifed in dutie to their. mafier~, fo their-·· ferua-nts fhall faile in dutie to them.:whereas ifcnc haue re• pented, hee may looke and ~ haue hope-, that·Ood in tnercie his feruants hearts, as that they !hall not re.. ., compe•1ce his o_wne euill vnto him, bccaufe the bloud of Chrill hath wafhedit away. But fuch as will pilfer an-d deale- • wickedly with thckmaflers; andnot rep"tnt for it,and makcfomerecompcnceJit is-molHuf:l fromGod that they them- – felues !11ould befpoyledand r.obbcd. Thus much for the du– ties offeruants: the duties oftheMafter follow. fop as God· bindeth the inferiour to his dude, fo bee rcquircth that the fu periour be carefull in his place and calling. _ Now the Maflers duty confills iu,two.maine points~namccs· . - .- ·- ... - ly ~'')