'Dutie of 1y,in chufing them with wifedome and difcredon, and in V• ~a~~~rre·r. fing themwitha good confdence. New,for the chufing: the uants tluy chiefe point is>that they get fuch vnder their roofe, as be the :~~r~.d fe.ruants ofG 0 D: fuch as haue grace and vcrtue in their ·• hcarts,and carrie a good confciepce with them. This is con. finned bythcexampleofDar~id,Pfalme IOI.where (by his owne pra.ctife) ,he fets downe a rule 1 how euery one !hould order his familie. He fheweth, that for wicked perfons, tel. tal~s,proud perfons, fwagger(rs,fuch as haue great !cokes and no grace, he would haue none ofthem fot his feruants; but thofe that were religious and vpright, euen fuch fltould ferue him.-And there is good reafowhymen lhouldbe care~ full to take none into their familie,but ChrHlians:for if they bee not faithfull toGod, as fure as ..GodHues, '_theywill ne· uer b~e faithfull ·eo their·Maller. For, all obedience and faithfulneffe floweth from .the firtl table, and begins there: but ifa man negleCt his dutie, where hee bath m<>re bonds to tie him to it,he will bemuch more flacke, wherebee bath fewer. · Secondly,a wicked perfon is very contagicus,andwHl in... feet the familie·vvith his lewdnes and euill behauiour. And ·. indeed, many can tell byexperience, that the ill example, and perfwafions ofone vngodly feruant, will doe mo(e harme to theh_oufehold, then all that many good feruants .cando,ancl fay, will profit them. So that to entertaine awic– ked feruantJ is euen- to bring a leprous pe-r-fon among the whole,andacontagious man among the found. ·· Thirdly,awicked perfon doth bringGods curfe ~ponhis Mailers Hate and familie.Eucn as a good feruant hath Gods blcffing going withhim (as wee fee in ltJ[eph, Gencf. cl ap– ter 39.verfe S.) So,when an vngodly perfon hath the man_asingandorderingofmatten,the curfe of(-:;odpurfucth_and t.pllowcth him. Bur lhall I bee pl~gueJ and puuHl1ed for 1 my feruants 'linnes? Yca,and iufHy too: for hee that will re– ceiue and retaine fuch into his feruice, :ts hee knoweth are open enemies to God, muft needes o , en his dooresto the curfe ofGod.So that,ifone \\'ould not hauc thecurfeofGod to refl vpon his ho1.1fe., nor vnfaithfulncfic in his fcruants, nor