ftOr his .hou(e poy Oned With Lhat JeprOUC', Which oneJy thebloudofChrHl can heale: let him takegood aduic<", in choofing his feruants, whom he pl ants in his- fa1nily. And thus·wi fdymencan deale forother matters:for,he rhat pur– pofe th to haucgood fruit will not runne to cucry bedg~,aud , fromthen.ce gather brambles and tnornes,to plant andgr~ft· ip hi$Or~hyard ; but ifhehope for anybenefit b~his Orch– yar(), he will make prouihonofthe beAgraftes 2nd iicnces, be canobtaine. So, thofe that be theepe-maflers, andhope for commoditierhat way, will enquire and ma:.-ke, out of wh~tground thefhcepe (theypurpofe tobuy)come,where tbeywer~bred; anJ.ifthey were bred.in a rotten ground,ef– pcci~lly ifthey'hauearotten .blcate, hewilluot thinke them , fitfot his fold, nor breed. Will onedeale·thusfor hi$Oi·ch· yard,and for his ihefpe r and fuould h'e not liktwifc: confi•– cler,in the·planlling ofhis family,_when -he takcta fe·ruant in· tohis fold, oucofwhat paflurecomes hec? hath hee becB>· · brought vp in a rotten ground? inaplace ofdifordcr, of– riot, offwe,ring, ofbreaking the Sabbath, and fuch like? and,hathhee a rotten bleate? wil hee fweare,?wiUhee lie? • ·wiJl: hee fpealte filthily ?· doth · hee look~ like a ruffian? - andwill,youy~t vent~reo.n. h,im?-then you area foolilli ma.., · fter,andlou~neit~e~y,our fdfe,9or your houfe.norchildrcn; . ifyou take fuch vnto i.hc·m, that will either infeCt them,if' · they be not very good) oriftheybee, will vcxe an.d m·olefti chcm.. - - .· . ~ Therefore, her~ many· matters-are·to 1le reproued (that Pfo.·. fcorne tobee. ad~onil'hedof the minifter c_oocerning this ·· · . chs>ice).thilt vfe morecar.e; by far..re, inplanting.their Otch-. yards,and ch~fing the~p t~br.ced,(hcnthey do in planting.~. their family, an~ cbu6og-out fuch feruanu,.as may· bring.~ glory to ~od, andprofit to the Churca:,.. and bee·for their -– own~ co~mgdity affo. .Andyet thisfollieraigneth in them·' fanher,that ~fall men, they-are moflready to com-plaine, of; ill fcrruanu,and that ncucrany was.fo troubled as theywith- ' -Yntrutly f~t.uants;-that theymuAAil be·chan&ing.-.As ifone fhoulo fay:;.nc~er ' ~flY man had fo bad anerchyard•.Why?'·) wha.t _if lhC"'matec:r? ,I;fee others .haue Pcares and Apple•, . :. . ~ aM\...