Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

&~a~ntw~s ~nwife to fpend his time aQd. paines·about fuch bife thitl.gS.)~·~6:uld be'bfnofit to nobody: .ahd. he~11e· it·is iJJR!Jb:at:b~h fho.Uld~b~ li>~wBuc..,Vhemoneh~~bad··afet~ ttant;tbat hath.bin wi:thhim,a·long,&jdone=him ft~ith ful k ·ruice/qimplayinghi.slabo.ur, &fpe.sding.bothhi' daies . .and. flr~ngth,a$ .. that fome.pro6t & comtnoclitie r.edol\nds to the houfe ~ aifd the ~maHersefiite hath been be,tt:e:.t:ed by his t:are(ultqiligen~e: aoM~;·by t"his profitable .andlong ·tf~cietie . they had together, t-he(eruant ffiould gro:w.tobe to.fiim:a~: a child; andhevpoh fo longexperience ofhis f~ithfull and louing catti~ge, fhould put on the affe6Hon;of,a father to . h~m.Fq,r h1fieednature fhcweth thatit i's,~{hawe:fo.r ·~ roa:tQ~ put away his old feruant J that hath worne out his body;.i~ his ferulce, :whhout beflowing hi's:tibera1Hy :vtpo·ri 1\imdn (otne mea'fure, , accor~ing to his owneabilitie, ~nd nis fer ... r \Jafslts.labo~rs. ~u~ it -is the cufiome ofmoll: men --now. ~; ((o ;~r.~~~p~d}y' are th~y grQwnc) t~t ~bey; tP)!e:,hejrfe!l'u.a;n.t:s}Vflil~ ~hey~an;h·Qour,at~:4PtJfu.tjl~_,th.tir. ·, (lfe.ngch,ang fpc~'tithem. out:,4tul thcn·~b~nage ~()~,es;;tnd thebonesi flf~ f:ult ~f achel.and tpaine, a·ndrthe bod)e.feeble aqd.fainq .theyturne.t~emoutp.fd9ores, ·poore and helpc– lclfe,in~g·tAti wi.~e wot.l~,te filiftJ<:>r t,btmfc;l~ej as tlley ~~~1,. and they mufi e~ther b~·g :~r ·Ll~Al~;, -o.r:(\aru.e _ fQJ'.-~ ~PY re~ff:fe, they.lhall receiue from ther,rmaft-ers·, •h1 .vvhofe feruice they haue fpent all ~he.irJime ;l~1d firength. And .thus it comes to paffe, that l!l~ny becom~ ,t.heeues.and vagrant beggets thr~ugh theh; ~afters niggardl:ines,~~th,atwoulqP~·t .,~~e bis, du~~e lnbeH~wing fome pr.o·p.ortiopa-bl~ a_nd eoqJpe,ts~.,~t~r~-. li~fe vpon them. . . . . " . ,· . .~. ; · . . . ·:. ., tj · . ., So Jnuch,fo·r their ~ha.t 9~ further offfrom eq~al~ty/ -in the family> as parents and children, m:dlers and fe.rua.nts: tlow thofe that are more equaUare;husbang andwifc;whof~ dutiesare ei~her common to q9th 1 , qr·mqtt ·pa(-ti~ul~r to-~,..; ther ofthem. Thecommon thefe~ . . ; Firij tpeymull laue one h~~.rt fet'.U~ntly.This duty both husband and wife muAperforme mut_ual– ly cne to anpFfler: whJc~ .~hat they mayLheb~tter flriue for, l~t vs . ~onfid~~ of fom,e_ cx~ellcQt..commoditi~s;-. t}lat..~il~ · P • proceed