Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

anddifquiet her verymuch; yet thewill notthrovv it out of doores, nor lay it at thefilrther endofthe houfe, but lhe v~ feth it kindly, and will do what fhe c~tl to tl1H it: and when :it -cries, (bee will fing, and in the morning they will bee as good friends as ruer before,anci fhe feeds it,and tends it ne... uer awhit the ldfe for ·all thenight:S trouble. One that were not acquaintedwith the louco.fa mother, would \'~!'nder at it: dtd it not difquiet her all night, and can ilic be fo menie with it now? yea fh can; ·for f11c loueth itland hath forgot– ten ail the nightcs griefes in the morning. And fo indeed, couldth~ husband and wife loue one another,, with fuch ·a pure and Chriflian loue,they would bcare much 1 and endure nmch, and not fixffer their affections to be dimini{hed. For loue isal-wAy a brealt-plate againH impatience, and dUlem'!' per. . A third profit that fprings from loue,isJthat it edifies ,and feekes not his owne things, : therefore ifthey loue one another, they will in all things feeke the good ofone another. . And then, ifthe·husband fee a fault in his wife, hee will ad- fiLoue cdt· 1noniili her ofit,meekly and gently.)and labour to bringher to amendment: and iflhe fee any fault onhi!t part, !bee will with all reuerence and humility tell him ofit. But on the .contrarie, where there is not loue, they will regard their owne cafe, more then the faluation oneofanother. Then if thehusband fee his wife inany fau!c,he thinkes, Indeed it is · a fin ne, but ifl lhould tell her ofit, ilieewill P.raight be _in a patf10n, and ~hafe. And fo:theV\'ife; I confdfe this f1nne is dangerous to my hus.bands foule., bu't if I fhould fprakc of it, hee is fo heady, that hee would Lee bitter, ·and filri– ous againfl me prefently. But now heere is a great wan~ of loue irt either partie. For, what though your wife will be in apoffion? he that loueshis wiE·, had rather fhc fhould be in · a paffion againH him for a httlc time, then God bee angrie _with her for eucr.And thewife tha[ loues her hu~band,would morew.illingly fufter her husbands difplcafure for awhile, fer well doing; then rhat he lhould futlcr Gods.wrath eter:. naHy for ill doing. &ut for waBtofthis ChrifHan and fincere . louc~ they fuffer gtieuous finnts P; in es.