Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

Loucar1 meth vs a g:dnlliea outie. . inanother; which by wife and godly admenition might ha.ue been flayed an-d cured. Afourth fruit ofloue is, that it arlri.ethvs aga!nll iealoufie and vniufl fufpitions.For all ill iealoufie,and caufdelTefufpi· tion, ariferh ofone ofchefe two points : firH; ~hat one is, or haeh been wicked himfelfe, and hauing been fau.ltie and naught,he is ready to iudge others by htmfdfe, and to mea.. £ureaHwith hisownemcafure, or elfe from a doting affecH. on, that he makes hira wife agod, and this~not true loue. So when che wife dotes foolifbly vpoo her husband, and n1akes an Idollofhim, then is fhc quickly rca.dy ~o be iea.. lous,whcreas uue and found loue would worke the contra– ric effeet in her. So for matters ofgoods" hee rhat trultsin them,will u-utl no bodywith thcm,neither vvife,,neither fer. _uants, nor children, nor any, but h alwaies fufpitious: not bccaufe they would not deale faithfully, buc ·becaufe hee makes that his god, and therefore is immoderately afraid to Jofe it. But where there is apureand ferucnr lou«',. that will cut off21l ncedleffe mifdcemings, and caufe vs.eo beleeue and hope all good of others. This is the fir.ll dude that is common both to husband and wife. Faithful. The fccond followeth,and thiit is faithfwlneffe; that both netre be· . b d h . . d Il l . . d h h I h ·r nvixt maren t ·eu wtts, an a t 1e1r 10 cuours tot c e peeac o ricd peo. other, and to -the common goodofthe family.Thehuslnnd r,le.. mull not foHow his priuate pleafure and deligln, nor the wife her ownecafe and prid.e : but though by nat-ure they could b0th becontent to.fceke themfelue~; yet .they .tnuH flriueootb to build vp the houfe, an.d to doe good one tG another, andnot hun, becaufe they Hand iril:he place of €hri!1 to thofe r,hat committed vnto thc-m, both for their foules and bodics.FJrtlLhen the hu!>band and wife mull be faitl-lfi1ll in their bodies one to another ;·clfe.they break.e the couenant of God. For marriageis ,not a couenant of mao,but a couenant ofGod:wherein the parties bind them– felues to him, and they bee in recognifance in.he~men, te keepe themfelues pu~e and cha!1e one to anot~er. Then for other m2tters, there mufl bee one purfe, andoneheart and ~andfor the &.ood .ofthe.familie, .and each ·~rothe~.Buc no~£