Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

• ifthe wife be wa!lfi.J and idle, the!l fhe (like a fooiHh wo· man) pulies downe herhoufe. And ifthe husbandbeanvn– thrift and confume and fpend that idlely, anti vainely (to fcrue his Jutl, or pride,or any other finne) that might helpe his wifeand family to Iiue plentifully and checrefully, this JauHhing is agreat vnfa"ithful,nes; and hereby he brings ma– ny inconuemences vpon hirnfdfe, and vpon allthacdepend vpon him. So much for generall duties belonging both to husband andwife. The panicularfollo'vv. And firfl,the wife mull fcare her husband; a.$is comman- 7heduti_e. ded Ephe(). 33. Let the wift foe that fbee foare her hufoand .. ~~:~ell~~~e. And t.Pct.3.2.theApo£He requires actmuer(ation 'P.'tthfeare. muft feare. So ifeuer the wifewil be comfortable)and profitable to her ~er ~us. husband, and do any good in the familie, ibe·einu!l haue a an • careofherheart, and looke that fl.1ee carrie an inward feare to her husband. For, the husband is the wiues head, cuen as Chrifl is the head oftheChurch : and euen asthe Church 'mull feare Chrifl Iefus,fomull the wiues alfo feare their huf– bands. And this i11ward fearemuO be lhewed byan outward mcekenes,and lowlines in the fpecches, and carriage to the husband. As, in the place aboue named oucof 'Peter, hee faith, they mull bee attiredwith a m~ekeand quiet fpirit: She mufl not be paffio~ate and froward to him, or to any of the falllily, fpecially in his fight, but fbe lhould haue fuch a _regard of his prefence, as that fhee thould gouerne her tongue an<l countenance fo, that it maynot be offenfiue or troublefome vnto him. And for her fpeech, neither whel\ theybe kind and louing together,mull fi1e grow intogrotle tearmes; nor ifany iarre or oflence come, rufh into tart and fowre words ;tocafe her felfe vpon her husband, whom lhc fuould feare.Thl}s muH lhe imitateSara, and goodwomen, as Peterfaith; and in fo doing, fhee fhall proue her felfe to be a daughter ofSarll, a trueChriflian: But contrarily,ifibc behaue her felfe rudely, and ynmanner1y in her husbands .~ fight,togrieue him.,and effend him,fi1e fa iles in the firfl and maine dutie ofa good wife, and fo farre ihall fureJy come Glort ofall the reH. . . · Thefeconddutieofthewife, is conHantobedienc~, and P 4 fubic6tion.