wiues rouft be fubieet to thei r huf bands. zz fubiection. Now,inwhat things, andaftet .what·mannerthis obedience is to be performed,the holy Gholl doth cJeclare. For)in generall, there is no woman almo!l fo rude, but fi1ee will yeeid that i11e muHobey her husband: but in the parti– cular,and in the manner ofic, there is thefailing. Therefore the Apoflle ha rh( to put al out ofdotibt) fet downc both the matter and the n1anner, Eph.) .24. As the Churc/1 k· infohie- - [lion t/J Cbri:ff,fo let thewife he to the hujb~tnd i.'1 allthings. For the things wherin f11e muH obey,he faith,In all things; mea– ning, in alllawfull things. For, thecommandcment ofthe husband,is as it were the Hampe ofGod fet vpo;1 the thing$· commanded: and ift11e rebell againll his commandement, thee rebels againH God. The wife then mull perfwade her fel fe) that her husbands charge, is Gods ·,harge; and wheri he fpeake?, God fpeakes: and therefore the mull refoluetG obeyhim in all things. Then for the manner, hee faith, As the Church obeyeth Chrirt. Now, vve know that the Church obeyeth ChriHwi1lingly, and checretully with a free heart: ~nd though the things which ChriH commands, .bee oft · times contrary to our nature, and nowhitatall delightfu.U to 'theflefh,ye[fh_e true Church will more fet by his Wdrd;then'herownc·plea– fure,and haue agreater regard eo pleafe him, thatl to ferue the defirc ofthe lilefh.Thereforc the wife muG obey het huf .. band in all things cheerefully and willingly, without gain– faying.Thcfe be the duties ofaworthywoman, ofa-daugh– ter~ ofAbraham,and aChri!1ian wife: which fo farre as the it carefull eo performe, fo far fhe may looke~ that her husband lliould d~ the dutyofa goodhusband vnto her: or ifhe do not_,yet God will revYarcl her ltberaiJy. For fuch awoman js much fee byofGod,and that not with an idle aftection, that no body can f~e; but with fuch a working loue, as fhall fhevv it felfe bygood efteet:., in plencifull bleffings, oo her foule andbody,iffi1c can fi·ame for confcience fake to God, toyeeld a willing and free obedience to her husband iri all lawfuH things; and that with a meekc and lowlycarriage·of her fel(eJ proceeding from an holy fcare and reuerence of him) being inGdds fie ad. Now follow the fpeciall ~·utles of an