• ~n ,husband, (for hehathnot all thefe priuiledges for na- Duryor ·· thing) and thofe confifi in two maine points. . . husl)3nds. f Gouer-1Cohabiration;todwdwhhher, as a ri~g ~er_ manofknowlcdg(". . In< wifely . ~ - c : . . S Infiru_ction•. . . I by . . ~nmcatton,bygood ! .Examplc~·. . . lP.aforming all due beneuoleace 5 1\I 1.ai1 ntenance~· l mp oy~em. ' Firfl, f-or cohabitation. The firH duty_ ofthehusband, .is,... Cohabita~ to· dwell with his wife : that fith there is-a ne ere -a-nd deare uon. fodetie betvveene them, and ofall others ,the n~~re(l; (for !he is to him as the Church is te Chtifl, fle(h ofhii flefil,and -, ·bone ofhis bone) therefore he mufl be willing ·to haue his abode, to walkewith her, talke with her,and let her haue-aU comfortable familiarity with him : th~t fl:le may fee 1H~· de– lighted in her company, and may well know, that ofall o– thers, fhe is his mo!l Iouing and welcome .companion. And fo it'l the,law it was commanded; that the firfl yeere where– in any one is maried, he might dwell at home, and rcioyce -. -~vith. his . w.i-fe for that wholeyeere: what euer affuiresof the ·· co·mtnon;;.weal'th:or wars were abroad, yet he ~~a-shy Gods ·Jaw freed; fo that none a·•ight command his feruice from , home, but he mulldvvell with his wife, that fhe might haue experience ofhis !oue, andhaue comfort by him : that by ·· lon.g co.ntiou:fnc~ and ~Qci<:t~e1. , their hearts .might bee fo - . ·t1eerely toyt1cd, as.net·\1mg mtght rend them m{under•. · This rtifrh~e th rhofe fooliffi men (indeed not worthy to ·. carry the narheofhusband,) that-can take n1ore delight in ., any vaine,;riocous, and vnthrifciecompany, .and take more · ;pleafhre In dny·Jewd exerdfes, then in the focietie ofthe lo- . uing and ··kittd wHe' ; that are neuer fo merrie,..as when the ·· wife is abf..:nr,·· a.nd ncuer dumpi!h and churlifh but with --,, her. Such alfo as dweiJ with hawkes and hounds, and drun– kards, and gameHers;-not with 1 their wiues: Thefc t1ull car– rie tbe brand and name offooles, fo long.as -they haue no·,. m_ore care to preuent fo much·HI, and todoe fo much'-gooa, as (if they had any-godlie wifedgme, or loue to thew"'dues}. they>.·