Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

• they might. For,what doe they, but throw them(duesimo danger? and lay their wiues open to Sathans temptations? ·yea,and giue iu!locca0on to them to thinke, that they Io'ue · themnot. But they wtll ray, we mull haue our delights,and follo~t" our fporcs. Alld why you, more then the wife? Might not the wife fay,I m~H h~ue trlydelighf.alfo,andpart ofthe recreation, afwe!l as pare ofth.e trouble is mine? yet this would not becounted a good cxcufe for a woman eo be ranging abroade.; but they looke that lbc iliould accept their cornpany, a~d bee willing to be with them: and why _ · lhould not they then beas willing to dwell with them, ac.. carding to Gods commandcmcnt? S.o that the husband n1uHdwell with· his wife, ~nd ·neuer depart from her, but vponalawfull an<.~ J~,~pd cal~ing, andcaufc: and ~.hen alf?, fo, as thatAhce·may percetue, hce doth rende htmfelfem twaine and carrieth but a part ofhtmfclfe, but !lillleaueshi~ heart at homewith his wife• 1 Husbands Secondly,he rnuH dwel withher,as aman ofknow1cdge, mu~c•wc and edifie her both byagoodexample,aRd alfobygood in· :i:~. firuaions. For his example, firH hce muH carry himfelfc fo wifely, and fo holily, as that fhc tnay fee in him a patternc and image ofgrace,and he mufl be ag\atfevnto her,by looking into which, fhe may learne toattire her felfe in all holy difcretion,and conuedation. · Therfore he mu(l neither be froward,teaAy,nor lumpilh; for then he fbalJ ~e hated :nor light,vaine, and foolilh; for then hee fball bee defpifed. Hce mull not be bafe,and nig• gard1y; for then his 6afe heart will breedeabafe dlimadon ofhim: neither muHhe be prodigall and vnthriftiC'; for thtn he lhall fo pinchhimfelfe wi th want and neceffitie, as that he lhallnot be able to relicue and refielh his family: and fo he depriues himfelfc ofhis reuerencc. For wan~ofthis wife and.holy carriage, it comes to paffe,that manycan fpeake much oftheweakcneife ofwomen.)andmake large difcour.. .fes ofthe itnpotencie .of that fexe, when indeede it is long .cofthemfeluc;s. As if the head fuould leade the bodyamong briars and thornes, and dafu it againfl eu~ry wail, and then 1 cotnplaine .ofthe hurt and frail tie of it : fo, many foo1ith men,