• men, when they lhould frame themfelues in fuch fort as. they might draw their wiues to godlindfe ·and reuerence by their example, theyby rude and abfurdbehauiour draw themfelues into contempt, and put vndutifulneffe vpon aheirwiues,as it were perforce)and thenarereadie to corn– plaine ,and exclaime ofthem, when they fbould rather cri~ outoftheirowne folly. · Nexr,. the husband mull edifie his wifeby inflrutlion:·for fo 1. Cor. r4·3 S· the ApoHle faith, lfwomenwili learne, they mu./fvuk! their' hu[bz_;-:ds at home. The husband then mull be fo well furnifhed with found kilowJe.dge, as that hemull be able eo teachhis wife, and fowe t:hc feede ofG-odlines inhe~ confcience. Andone fpe'Cia-11 and chiefe part of wifeqome ~~fih:~~s· in the husband> hy which he muG learne to frame his in- rerue rhe. fi;ucH.on, is,tp obfe~ue thofc good thln~s w.hichhe feet? in ~:~~~:rrs hts, w~rfe an.d to chenlb them. For, nothmg 1s more forc1blc wiues. to incourJge a woman in any good thing, then that fh~ .perc.eiuetp, that her husbGl)d dcth ma.rke and approoue . thofegood things which. are in her, afw~ll as the. faults, to rcpr-oou~ them. And fsH t '.Ya~1t ofthis incourag~ment, that men are conti.nu-all chi,din~, and neuer go about to nourHh ~ny good .thipg, i~ fal-ls OU:t,that.many.womcn, which bygood vfage might be b ~ought to goodncs,grow togreat · diftemper and patfwn.And)as he mufHabou.r to increafe the good thmgs that ; arc. ~!l her: (o aifo, he muU feeke to amend and cure tbofc things that o.re faulty,wherin i11c dothamHfe.: .and for ~;adin fl ry ipfirmities, hee mufrp·a(fc. by them, onelie praying:eaGod tor h~~r. But 1fher ioule be Gcke ofa difeafe that necde-di phyfickc;and m.ufl ha.ue amedicin,, a wifegouernor will chufehi~ fi~tdlti:nc,.~nd confider the nature and difpofition ofhis-wife;that lf fhe be of a gentle fpirit,he may vfc gende.~ meanes, ,whic,i~ :will then,doe moH good : but.if fhe beofa m~rehard naturc,rougher rneanesmu~ .. be "'fed, and fhee mu'Hbeedealt withall after amore round manner: Howand' but alway prouided,that it neuer be done.in palftonand be~ wher_1 ~d ..· r. h b ' h : d .f 11 h h {h monltl&n 1ore ot ers, ut. wlt . a qutet an· merc1 u eart, t at e muft begi· .may fee that he{eekethher faluarion,and not diferacr,·not to buendby h-. • • 6J an ~ ro cafehim(elfe ·vpon·~r, ~u~- to co~uertherfoule. But, ifthe thientiucs " husband~