Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

·•. : husband be vi'olent in company tO re·proue; ofbad he lball makeher worfe, and more alienate her from hitn 1 bccaufe lhe fceth that 01e hath a foolilh head_, is not a fauiour, but a deftroyer.And for want ofthis diligent care in chtrfing timeand place, and obferuing the nature of the partie, It commeth to paffe, that rebukes, which in themfelues are ·· good, and ought t~ be performed,do t41orc hurt thengood; becaufe he obferucthn'ot where hedoth ir; but 'rcpr.oues her beforecompany, to which,, he lbouldnet di fclofe his owne and her fhame. And then alfo moll vnfeafonahlie and vn– ·timely: for w~cn fhee is out of temper,.and paffion ha th ai- , ready ouercome her,then heefalle-s to adm1n if! cr ·his Phy~ . ficke, as it werevpon a fullllomacke, whereas he fhould pa– . tiently hauewaited for a fit time, and not be fo foo1Hl1, as when lhee .is gone, and anger bathouercome her, then to · ']ooke that l11e fl1ould ·vpc>n a words warning, returne and cotne agai~e intoher right mind; an4 v·pon the fudden re– forme all _that is amHfe: ·But what_?.-fhal1 one.Iet his wife go ·away fo, and takeher cout'fe?No : hce mull at that in{brit .fpeake to Go_d for ·her, when fhee is not fie robe fpoken to~ -And after, when the coaH is clecre,and all is quiet,then w.ith a louing-heart ar1dgood countenance (~nd yet with plaine and euident proofes;and reproofes out ofGods Word) hee muHthewher fault, that godly fotrow may bringher to re– pen tance, and amendment. And, by thefemeanes, he may gouerne well. -~o~=n~:ne· Anot~er dutie of the husb~nd, is, in. giuing h_er all ~o. maft begi· nor and doe beneuolence: whtchHands~~ two thmgs. F1r1l ~eifc:o the in giuing and _al{_owing her all maintenance, and 1~e~te helpes bodi for neceffi[ie, and alfo for honcH and Chn{han recreation and delightJo farre as his eflate and hers require, and thei rabili ties do afford. And he mu!l do this wil lingly, liberally, an J fr~dy; not tarrying till it bebegged or got.ten from him by im;H)rtun:ne intreatie, as ifone l11ould wrmg itout ofN1.16a/s ha nd, hkeasifitwere wa.tcr out of a fl int· Hone, For this is a great fufpition ofwant of loue: for 1oue is a.lway bnuntifuli. ,And bel1dcs~ it ldfcneth the bcn~fit by the one hal fe, · when ·it rnuH bc:e WlCficd,(as it:were ·.by , · mame